September 26, 2013 9:34 am -

Bill+Pryor--X-posed-page-0Liberaland has been following the travails of 11th Circuit Court Justice William Pryor, and allegations that he posted photos of himself to the gay porn Web site Roger Shuler’s Legal Schnauzer blog broke the story, and has taken the lead in conveying new developments, including this:

A scandal about gay-porn photos of U.S. Circuit Judge Bill Pryor could lead to the judge’s indictment if it is proven that he falsified background documents during is Congressional confirmation, a prominent legal blog reports.

South Florida Lawyers (SFL), which is an ABA Journal Top 100 law blog, makes that assessment in an article that was posted Monday. … Drawing on an article from (“Homophobic Federal Judge’s Gay Porn Past Exposed?), SFL writes:

The Alabama Bureau of Investigations (ABI) is looking into images that appeared on then-popular gay porn site in the ’90s. Reportedly working on a few tips, the ABI is concerned that the full-frontal images feature federal circuit Judge Bill Pryor. If the ABI confirms that the images are in fact those of the conservative Bush-appointee, there is a chance Pryor could be indicted for falsifying his background during his Congressional confirmation hearings. According to LegalSchnauzer, Congress commonly asks federal judicial appointees about “potentially embarrassing or compromising information in their backgrounds.” Sources indicate that Pryor was aware the pics were public on the gay site (which was dubbed the “Wal Mart of gay porn”) in 1997, a few years ahead of his appointment.

Shuler also adds this aside:

Judge Pryor surely will be comforted to learn that he now is featured at Gay Porn Times, in a post titled “Antigay Federal Judge in a Nudie-Cutie Scandal?”

We have a hunch that Pryor is soon the be the most famous appellate judge in America.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.