December 5, 2013 5:13 pm -

The pastor at a Florida church thought it was funny. Not everyone agreed.

“It was not really offensive, just poor taste,” said Rabbi Alon Levkovitz with Temple Beth Am.

For 15 years, Pastor Michael Butzberger at Lighthouse Baptist Church has put a different slogan on his front sign every week. “Something encouraging, inspiring, informative and, occasionally, for the purpose of making them smile.”

Humor lost on those who called the church demanding the sign be taken down. “I heard someone say, ‘Christmas is easier to spell than Hanukkah’. It made me smile,” said Butzberger.

“I think it’s the wrong message to send to their members, but, as a Jew, I am not offended,” said Levkovitz.

He says it is merely the comparison of faiths that is offensive. “If the church tries to celebrate one of the most important holidays by putting down another faith, it’s definitely not the spirit of Hanukkah or Christmas.”

“We live in such a politically correct climate, people are literally searching for excuses to be offended and outraged,” said Pastor Butzberger.
