April 17, 2014 6:34 am -

Recently, events have occurred which would indicate a perfect storm, which would help create the right wing fantasy of the Rapture.  Conditions for this “final judgement”  are ripe when you mix heavily armed anti-government insurrectionists, white supremacists with shotguns and Mormons who do not believe in the laws of the United States but believe Joseph Smith looked into a hat with a peep stone to translate scriptures from gold plates.  Culminating with the Blood Moon of Monday night’s lunar eclipse, fundamentalists believe we have achieved the perfect conditions for the Apocalypse. That’s the ultimate goal of the folks who have made life in America unlivable with the deplorable legislation they’ve enacted and they seek to destroy the environment, contaminate drinking water, eliminate the middle-class altogether and create a theocratic vision for America that would make Jefferson weep. This is the right-wing fringe element hard at work, making America just a little less civilized and a lot more crazy, where the paradise of the after-life is all we should desire because we’ve really screwed this life up royally.

The now infamous rancher from Bunkerville, Cliven Bundy, says he does not believe in the U.S. Government. The situation outside his ranch has escalated to a point where the armed Tea Partiers have made federal agents nervous about potential casualties, which would certainly immortalize these lunatics and spark more domestic terrorism. Turning anti-government ranchers who advocate waging war on the federal government into heroes simply emboldens domestic terrorists to feel justified in murdering federal officials with self-righteous zeal.  Cliven identifies himself with ancestor, Dudley Leavitt, who played a pivotal role in the Mountain Meadows Massacre.  Cliven is related to one of the original LDS combatants involved in that horrific event the Mormon church would love to forget.

Ironically, Cliven is in violation of one of the thirteen Articles of Faith.   The twelfth states:  We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. I suppose Cliven must have missed Sunday School the day they went over Joseph Smith’s articles.  Bundy himself said he didn’t believe in the U.S. government’s law, yet clearly the religion he follows demands he abide by the laws of the land.  Over a century and a half before, Bundy’s Mormon ancestors, under the command of Brigham Young, carried out a massacre because the Federal Government attempted to enforce the laws of the United States.  Blaming the “Indians,” they brutally murdered 120 innocent settlers to make their point.  Cliven Bundy seemed to be following in their footsteps, and the U.S. government wanted no part of that.  Naturally, we aren’t getting the full story from mainstream media outlets.  Thankfully, the internet helps us connect with people from all points of view.

The local blog Let’s Talk Nevada  provides a much different, more organic perspective than we’ve seen from the Conservative media, who has literally made a hero out of this law-breaking, tax-evading rancher.  The author admonishes Federal Agents who have, for now, tacitly surrendered to this insurrection:

The Tea Party has eliminated the rule of law, militarized the Gold Butte region with armed civilian militias, saved those poor starving cows to wander the desert for inadequate food and water, enhanced our business climate with threats of violence, put us on the map of every nut with a gun who is itching to fight for “liberty and justice” AND established Cliven Bundy as the face of the Virgin Valley.  All in one week.

Imagine if this did escalate into a Ruby Ridge or Waco?  These folks would be considered martyrs for the cause of manufactured TeaParty rage.  The hate-groups,  angered by a “lawless” (a.k.a. black) president have been emboldened to act with  displays of  force, while the government can do little against this insane group of heavily-armed, outraged hypocrites.  In fact, since the 9/11 attacks,  the U.S. has had more deaths attributed to right-wing violence than Jihad.

Supporters of Bundy’s crimes offered to use their wives as human shields provoking federal agents.  These armed-TeaPartiers always seem to be a homogeneous group of white conservatives.  Like many fundamentalist Christians,  the LDS “faith”  believe(d) blacks were cursed until President Carter threatened to revoke their tax-exempt status in 1978. But in a strange turn of events, Glenn Beck is now urging protesters’ violent threats to cease and desist, (as perhaps he’s no longer comfortable backing a man of the polygamous FLDS sect of Mormonism)? It’s not as if Mormons positively ally themselves with the FLDS, who dominate the area around Mesquite, Nevada.  What’s more bizarre, Beck often compares his worldview with that of Martin Luther King Jr., because MLK would support a gun-crazed group of insurrectionists without question.

As this chaotic scene unfolded, three  innocent people in Kansas were gunned down as a result of hate from an extremist, white-supremacist.   Frazier Glenn Miller, the 73-year-old suspect in Sunday’s fatal shooting outside a Jewish Community Center near Kansas City, Mo., has a decades long record of virulent white supremacism and anti-Semitism.   The shooting is another example of the influence of the pro-Second Amendment crowd over those who harbor hate.  In turn, these loons are then emboldened to act as it is extremely easy to acquire weapons and ammo in this country.  It seems the more into “God” and religion a group is, the more they are into the procurement of violence through firearms.  I have a feeling this will not change until the people of the United States realize religion holds our society in a very medieval state of ignorance, superstitious fear and paranoia.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.