Say What? Iran Foe Lindsey Graham Now Wants Us To Work With Them
By Heather June 15, 2014 9:00 am – Comments Sen. Lindsey Graham now wants President Obama to work with the Iranians to stop the Sunni extremists in Iraq. Sen. Lindsey Graham decided to take a break from his usual rhetoric on Iran, and saying we ought…
arc99 June 15th, 2014 at 11:52 pm
Remember when Republicans were trying to convince us that President Obama’s premise that we can and should negotiate with Iran was denounced and ridiculed?
I would think that in all the annals of western civilization, there might be a more egregious and obvious example of shameless hypocrisy. But right now, nothing comes to mind.
granpa.usthai June 16th, 2014 at 12:48 am
wait til the morrow, I’m sure another Republican will top it. (like maybe offer Iran a few nukes to help defend them from radical Sunni’s that refuse to take any more BS from the despot the US selected to rule over them in Iraq.
Surely, a few nuclear armed missiles to replace the aging military hardware POTUS Reagan traded for hostages back when the US negotiated with terrorist.
I mean, say Obama does listen to idiots and bombs the hell out of the Sunni opposition to Maliki and they go ape poopie against Iran? A few nukes, regional delivery vehicles, we could be smiling at GOPs new secret BFF – AGAIN!
Never know til you try. PS: GOPs could always lie their way out by saying they were firm against Iran MAKING nuclear weapons, not actually HAVING them? – Not the way they’re lying to POTUS Obama now to get him to attack, but the same way they’ll start lying after they con him into making sure Sunni Arabs will be a forever enemy and most likely make it a part of their religious beliefs that to not attack and kill an American when you have the opportunity condemns you and your family to burn forever under the wrath of Allah whom you have cursed to his face. Not very often that a world leader has the opportunity to alter the course of a Religion for the remainder of human history.
sunka June 16th, 2014 at 12:42 am
Bush started this war because of 911 right? Later, it turned out to be a big lie. So now Lindsey claims we should once again bomb Iraq because another 911 is on the way…WTF?
granpa.usthai June 16th, 2014 at 1:19 am
well hell, sunka, he is offering to bomb Syria too! – Look at it this way, you lose bombing our new BBF (for now) that’s one country, but you get to bomb two different countries at one time! -then, when the opportunity presents itself (and it will, because Republicans believe that if you’re stupid enough to believe them, you deserve to be bombed) you can
bomb bomb Iran
with Sara hitting the shrilly notes!
Hell, you can even throw in a Michael Jackson oldie-
it’s easy as Iraq, Iran, Syri –
a (get in a little Arlo Guthrie)
it’s what they can ‘sail’ as BASB (badazz stinky britches) Patriotism!
and make POTUS Obama into a lying warmongering Dem
all in one little raid.
after all, we know the churchgoer Republicans are men of peace
they’ve already blessed their offshore bank accounts to say so.
granpa.usthai June 16th, 2014 at 1:00 am
which history book is Lindsey using?
fancypants June 16th, 2014 at 3:35 am
I cant hear you Lindsay The beach boys music gets loud every time you bring up iran.
Alan June 16th, 2014 at 10:41 am
And Lindsey just one a big primary and is likely to be re-elected
Ed Snowed Us June 16th, 2014 at 8:12 pm
No one wants a War, or to work with those bastards from Iran, who just spent 5 years blowing up our guys in Iraq, supplying the bombs to insurgents.
However the fine public servant Senator Graham recognizes a responsibility you whiney liberal pukes can never understand. Also, reasoning with ISIS is a fine idea indeed, if you are sick of looking at your whiney liberal puke face in the mirror, your head will soon be separated from your body by these nutballs responsible for 99% of the bloody videos out of Syria.