June 20, 2014 6:16 pm -

Somehow, allowing more people to get married will lead to “less marriage,” reasons Rick Santorum.

“The family is the foundational unit of society and marriage is the glue that holds the family together,” Santorum said in an interview he gave to at the March for Marriage event in Washington, D.C., so far sounding like he could be making a pro-gay marriage argument. Then he kept talking.

“When we continue to see a decline in marriage and a redefinition of marriage, you get less marriage,” he said. “You get families that aren’t as strong, and as a result, society generally, the economy suffers.”

Santorum went on to explain that he believes heterosexual marriages will “break apart” once society says that marriage “isn’t anything significant other than a romantic relationship between two people.”

According to the conservative, marriage is “about a unity of men and women, for the purposes of having and raising children, and giving the child their birthright, which is to be raised by their natural mother and natural father.”

“When we have less of that in America, when you have less of that in society at all, then society struggles and suffers. Economically, it suffers,” he said. “It’s important for us to stand up for what is best for children, what’s best for society, what’s best for the economy, and make that case.”

So, with gays being allowed to marry, there will be fewer straight marriages, and marriage is now reduced to the category of “romantic relationship.” Say what?

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

No responses to Rick Santorum: Gay Marriage Will Lead To ‘Less Marriage’

  1. granpa.usthai June 20th, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    don’t know about Rick, but for myself, my marriage (mixed racial and gender) is based on how well granma and myself interact with each other. While there is some minor outside influences, children/granchildren/other family members like younger sister-in-laws who rat out those that would give them a perfectly innocent tushie grab, close friends, neighbors and drop dead gorgeous Latina mamacitas who let tushie grabbers know in a voice loud enough to stop a run-a-way freight train in it’s tracks they’ll do the same, (rat ’em out) – Officers on duty who inform granma enough for her to understand what she’s posting bail to cover, – but, for the most part, it’s one on one. We just both kind of figure it’s nobody else’s business, seeing as to how we don’t walk into their bedrooms to see what they’re up to.
    That’s just us, as we kinda look at ourselves as being more or less close to the parameters of being like most folks.
    It’s not that I can’t understand how someone would feel like they were morally superior enough to barge into our marriage due to some self claimed title or ritual of a religious nature proclaiming mixed marriages are forbidden and result in an eternity of burning in hell, etc, etc, yada yada yada. I’ve read some select passages from their holy book for myself, and taking ’em as written, without slicing/dicing or fluffing/puffing or slaming/baming or cut and paste or add a bit here/take a bit there; I’ve discovered that I fully qualify as a Prophet of God! – Which gives me the authority of telling a nosy nobody to F OFF. I kinda figure other folks have the same authority.

  2. Dwendt44 June 20th, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    Tricky Ricky’s ignorance is showing yet again.
    Marriage was around before the ancient Hebrews borrowed some rules to live by from other older religions. The Pagans invented marriage, if such a thing can be invented. For most of human existence, men and women just grouped together for various reasons. That did include same sex couples. Of course, for much of human societies, polygamy was the arrangement of the elite or privileged. Even the bible supports polygamy.
    The ceremony evolved over the eons into a contract of sorts, so society recognized and supported that pairing. Religion wanted control of the common folks so they appropriated the concept and put their own rules and rituals into it. THEY do not own ‘marriage’.

  3. Shades June 20th, 2014 at 9:57 pm

    There’s that liberal math problem again.

  4. fahvel June 21st, 2014 at 3:10 am

    “economy” seems to have replaced god in his recent litany.