July 7, 2014 6:54 am -

Six Israelis have been arrested in the burning death of his cousin.

Tariq Abu Khdeir, a Palestinian-American from Tampa, Florida, was today told he will be placed under house arrest in east Jerusalem for nine days.

He was arrested on Thursday when protests over the murder of Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir, Tariq’s cousin, turned into a street battle with Israeli police.

Today it emerged that Israeli police have arrested six people in connection with Mohammed’s kidnap and murder.

Earlier, police acknowledged for the first time there were ‘indications that the background to the killing was nationalistic’.

It followed days of growing suspicion that Wednesday’s murder was carried out by extremist Jews in revenge for last month’s abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank…

Tariq’s release today came after Israeli police had asked a court for permission to continue holding him. Instead the court ordered him to be held at home in Beit Hanina, east Jerusalem.


No responses to Palestinian-American Teen Beaten By Israeli Police Is Released, Speaks Out

  1. Jmacgowan8 July 7th, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    I notice you have given more coverage to this story then the story of the three that were killed. Also have noticed that there has been no mention of what this kid was doing during the protest. I have been to Israel and I can say that police there have no paitience for anyone throwing things at them, not that I did that. I travel to many countries and one thing I learned is you are subject to tneir rules. Try going and protestbthe killing of the three other kids killed in the west bank or gaza and see what happens. Of course Inexpect no less from Alan colmes whose world view is so narrow it could not be measured with a micrometer.