Gun Owners Of America’s Larry Pratt: Politicians Should Fear Getting Shot
[su_right_ad]Larry Pratt was on my radio show Tuesday night asserting that the Second Amendment is intended to put fear into the minds and hearts of politicians. I also asked Pratt to explain some of his racially-charged comments about President Obama.
COLMES: This notion that our politicians should have a “healthy fear of being shot,” you support that idea?
PRATT: Sure, that’s what the Second Amendment is all about.
COLMES: About fear in our elected officials that they could be shot?
PRATT: Sure, because otherwise, we have fear from them because they have guns, and when they start imposing their will tyrannically, when they start doing thing such as what happened at the Bundy Ranch, in Bunkerville NV, then it’s time that, the people in this case the BLM, be put on notice that you’re not going to be allowed to do that.
COLMES: You want to instill fear in the hearts of our elected officials that they could be shot?
PRATT: Otherwise, I’m not quite sure how else we restrain them….COLMES: You once said that the President was going to raise a black force to massacre white Americans.
PRATT: I’m saying he probably just about did that through the unconstitutional Department of Homeland Security.
COLMES: Why did you say a black force?
PRATT: That’s the way ninjas dress.
COLMES: It had nothing to do with the color of the skin of the President?
PRATT: We’re not concerned about the color of anybody’s skin.
COLMES: When you say that President Obama was raising a black force to massacre white Americans?
PRATT: Black clad, ninja type, special force type, SWAT team type attack force. And that’s the reference. You can try to put race into it but conservatives are not accepting your race…
COLMES: You said there would be a race war which would pit Christian heterosexual white haves against black Muslim and atheist have nots.
PRATT: Well that would seem to be something that the President wouldn’t mind seeing.
Matt Dillon November 19th, 2014 at 7:57 am
“That’s the way ninjas dress”, LOL…Classic.
Anomaly 100 November 19th, 2014 at 9:27 am
Tommy6860 November 19th, 2014 at 8:13 am
So lawmakers only should only consider their legislating based on the threat, that guns are the only voice to be heard. If this asshole’s words are not a good enough reason to make strict gun laws, because he thinks it increases his size, then we are in serious trouble.
EnuffBull November 19th, 2014 at 8:53 am
Larry Pratt you anti-government (set up to be: OF the people, BY the people, FOR the PEOPLE!!!), lying, racist hypocrite.
wpadon November 19th, 2014 at 8:56 am
This guys lives in a fantasy world, ninjas? I am surprised he did not say a green force featuring Mitch and his friends.
Carla Akins November 19th, 2014 at 9:03 am
According to that reasoning (BLM) we can just ignore laws, do as we please and when law enforcement shows up we can threaten them with guns? What could possibly go wrong?
annaaurora November 19th, 2014 at 9:42 am
Really Anonymous has me so high right now I just read what these people think and giggle. How can someone be so dumb and think this stuff and then say it? However then you realize Joni just got elected despite of saying something so dumb. If I wear SS I wouldn’t let that cowpig any where close to him. Maybe at the next State of the Union speech they should shove a bullet proof shield in front of the podium and prove a point.
Suzanne McFly November 19th, 2014 at 10:26 am
Are we supposed to believe these statements? I cannot understand what he is saying. He can’t possibly be that crazy or stupid, can he? Does anyone take this person seriously?
Bunya November 19th, 2014 at 1:56 pm
Larry Pratt says there would be a race war which would pit Christian heterosexual white haves against black Muslim and atheist have nots. I hope the Christians come with a huge crucifix around their necks. Y’know, to let the enemy know how lucky they are because they’re being murdered “in Jesus’ name”.
OldLefty November 19th, 2014 at 2:18 pm
Larry Pratt says there would be a race war which would pit Christian heterosexual white haves against black Muslim and atheist have nots.
What about the Christian heterosexual white have nots, the Christian homosexual white haves AND the Christian homosexual white have nots, AND the black Muslim and atheist haves?
As for; “Well that would seem to be something that the President wouldn’t mind seeing.”…..
Funny, it sure seems like the President’s critics who are trying their damnedest to bring it about.
Once again, thou dost project too much, Methinks.
Last Hussar November 19th, 2014 at 4:15 pm
“I hope the Christians come with a huge crucifix around their necks.”
Would also help identify those who are trying to kill the poor and the non white. “Well officer, he was wearing a cross, so I stood my ground…”
BJW November 19th, 2014 at 3:32 pm
I have to say, that I find this shocking. People like this were considered crazy 25, 30 years ago and weren’t listened to AT ALL. Now, they are no longer fringe weirdos but welcomed into the GOP. I don’t see voting GOP again in my lifetime with these nuts around.