December 10, 2014 8:15 am -

Republicans are still opposing hiking the minimum wage, thus continuing their war on the poor. Stagnant wages for workers aren’t helping the economy but obstructing a minimum wage hike is already in motion.

[su_center_ad]Michigan Radio reports:

A new House bill would prevent local governments from setting their own minimum wage laws, putting other additional conditions on employers, or attaching community benefits agreements to development projects.

State Representative Earl Poleski, a Jackson Republican, is the bill’s sponsor. He says it aims to combat the “fragmentation” that results from letting municipalities set their own standards.

“Those different rules make it complex—and when I say complex, read ‘expensive’—to comply, and frankly impairs businesses abilities to expand and hire people,” Poleski says.

Poleski argues that a “consistent and predictable business environment” statewide should trump concerns about “local control.” But critics argue that cities should be able to set their own standards without state interference.

“House Bill 5977 sets up the state as a dictatorship telling local units of government that they cannot do what is best for their community, workers and residents when it comes to wages and benefits tied to economic development in that community,” said Detroit State Representative Rashida Tlaib.

The bill’s introduction came as a particular surprise to many in Detroit, where city leaders are debating an ordinance that would require developers to negotiate community benefits agreements for certain large-scale projects.

Included in the spending bill which lawmakers agreed on, is a reduction in benefits to current retirees at economically distressed multiemployer pension plans. Republicans expect to circumvent Tea Party opposition. In other words, the Tea Party would like a bill that is more painful than it already is, yet seniors are being targeted.

Measures are included in the bill to roll back environmental regulations.

When John Boehner first took the gavel in 2010, he said that jobs would be priority one. Opposing the Jobs Bill is not the definition of “creating jobs”.

The economy is healing and Republicans are going to cripple it. It’s almost funny that elected officials don’t mind hiking their own wages, but refuse to do so for those of a lower economical status. Almost funny.

H/T: The incomparable @CarlaAkins with thanks. [su_csky_ad]

Image: CommonDreams.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

11 responses to House Bill Would Ban Local Minimum Wage Laws

  1. Carla Akins December 10th, 2014 at 8:43 am

    I can’t imagine how anyone would not be horrified by this idea. Shout out to @MiAtheistGal – for the link. Thanks!

    • MIAtheistGal December 10th, 2014 at 9:48 am

      I don’t understand who votes for these creeps!

      Thanks for the shout out 🙂

  2. rg9rts December 10th, 2014 at 8:58 am

    Hold on to your shorts…..this is just the beginning..soon you’ll have to be a property owner, male and white and over 21 to vote. .

  3. Mainah December 10th, 2014 at 9:58 am

    Friggin’ awesome. Let’s punish the poor and enable the rich and pollute the countryside. Yuppers, way to go Republican Party! It’s official! You are the asshats of society, or may I say a dying society. Thanks for selling your souls.

  4. Suzanne McFly December 10th, 2014 at 10:37 am

    So the mighty dollar finally trumped the Republican belief for states rights. That was pretty much the last good thing the party stood for, time for this party to go off into the sunset.

  5. rational_thinking_one December 10th, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    The US and World economy will never take off without an increase in lower to middle class wages. The top 1% could never consume enough to make much difference. The GOP chides the 47% for not paying taxes, but it’s their policies that keep that 47% from earning enough income to pay any taxes. How in the heck can anyone pay taxes working full time on minimum wage?! And I’m sad for the children of those on minimum wage: can you imagine your parents being good all day working and still not having enough to get by?

  6. tiredoftea December 10th, 2014 at 12:19 pm

    Not to be cranky here, or anything, but this is a MI. state bill, not a federal bill. So, it only affects the unlucky citizens of MI. Not that I’m supporting the cretin who is proposing it!

    • searambler December 10th, 2014 at 1:09 pm

      That’s what I thought.

      Being Michigan, which is completely controlled by the GOP, this bill will be law very soon. Because it’s pro-business and anti-worker. The GOP is systematically destroying Michigan, deliberately, with malice aforethought. And most Michiganders were too lazy to bother to show up on election day to get rid of the bastards.

  7. Budda December 10th, 2014 at 1:01 pm

    There can be nothing dumber than someone who votes Republican and is not rich.

    • rational_thinking_one December 10th, 2014 at 1:37 pm

      AMEN! I live in the Deep South and you wouldn’t believe people in poverty that love the Republican party and “hate government spending.” Just don’t touch the federal flood insurance program or the federal government’s power to make BP continue paying out claims.

  8. annaaurora December 10th, 2014 at 1:12 pm

    There is no doubt that comb over’s and the self hater’s will attach this to something at some point. Just as sure as they just screwed with voting rights once again by allowing more money into campaign funding. Who’s got money? We don’t. More than ever we need to stay on track with protesting.