February 15, 2015 7:00 pm -

[su_right_ad]Republican State Rep. Gene Alday doesn’t want to give money that benefits blacks because they have really messed up his life.

…“all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call ‘welfare crazy checks.’ They don’t work.”

In an interview with the Clarion-Ledger regarding education funding, state Rep. Gene Alday (R) stated his opposition to a push to increase funding to improve elementary school reading scores. Alday implied that increasing education funding for children in black families would be pointless.

Alday continued, saying that when he was mayor of Walls, MS, that the times he’d gone to the emergency room had taken a long time. “I laid in there for hours because they (blacks) were in there being treated for gunshots,” he told the newspaper.

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D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

31 responses to Mississippi Rep. Opposes Funding Education Because It Goes To ‘Blacks’ Who Get ‘Welfare Crazy Checks’

  1. Kim Serrahn February 15th, 2015 at 7:07 pm

    Oh for the love of mike………..

  2. Suzanne McFly February 15th, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    Keep the microphone in front of this db, all he is doing is speeding up his removal.

    • Mike February 15th, 2015 at 7:22 pm

      Not so sure …in Mississippi this is how you get re-elected.

      • Suzanne McFly February 16th, 2015 at 9:32 am


  3. Mike February 15th, 2015 at 7:21 pm

    These guys used to hide under a sheet with a hood…now it’s just right out in the open.

  4. arc99 February 15th, 2015 at 7:23 pm

    Life-threatening injuries are always given the highest priority in an emergency room. It’s called triage you ignorant racist son of a b*tch Republican.

    On second thought, remove the word ‘Republican’ from my previous sentence. No need to be redundant.

    • whatthe46 February 15th, 2015 at 8:49 pm

      i have a feeling he’s lying about that anyway. as a mayor he would likely go to a private hospital. as a mayor, if he was sick he would have likely seen his private doctor and would have, if it were truly an emergency, would have been seen immediately. we all know damn well a racist in his position wouldn’t be caught dead in a public hospital with “those people.”

      • joe barry February 16th, 2015 at 1:47 am

        Yes, he looks like a crybaby and a liar! I agree!

  5. Robert M. Snyder February 15th, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    A good friend’s daughter graduated from a liberal arts college three years ago and joined up with Teach for America. She’s been teaching low-income elementary school kids in MS for three years. She went in with great optimism. What she has discovered is that there is little enthusiasm for education. She thought that people would see education as a way out of their present circumstances. What she has discovered is that most of her students’ parents seem comfortable and are not particularly goal oriented.

    I’ve seen the same thing in my low-income rural PA community. Maybe half of the kids come from homes where education is stressed. The rest don’t want to be in school and have no goals.

    Education is hard work. When I was a kid, Math made my head hurt. Some families make education a priority. They nurture a sense of curiosity by taking their kids on camping trips or on trips to the library or a museum. They do arts and crafts with their kids, and read books to them.

    Early childhood programs are worthwhile, but they are no substitute for a nurturing family. Let’s be honest. When we were kids, most of us were a little lazy at times. Most of us needed that gentle pressure from our parents in order to work up to our potential. My friend’s daughter is frustrated because her students are not getting that gentle pressure at home. They are not being taught that education is the key to their future.
    It’s even worse than that. In my rural community, I sometimes see young parents taking babies or toddlers out in freezing weather. Mommy and Daddy are warmly dressed, laughing and talking on cell phones, paying little or no attention to Junior who has no socks or shoes and nothing covering his head.

    There is a limit to what teachers and schools can accomplish in these circumstances. In places where educational funding is adequate, additional funding will provide little return on investment. In a free country, you can’t force parents to take an active role in helping their kids to reach their potential. So we are always going to have kids who fall behind. It’s a fact of life and no amount of spending can change it, because money’s not the problem.

    We can’t fix everything. Programs like Teach for America give kids a chance. If they don’t want to take advantage of that chance, whose fault is that?

    • Candide Thirtythree February 15th, 2015 at 11:06 pm

      I taught in an inner city school, they all seem to suffer from an impoverished attitude because of their surroundings and the reality of their day to day lives. The problem is that after generations of being short changed on education, it is impossible to convince them that education makes a difference because in their world it never has.

      Think about the way schools are funded, they only get funds from the local tax base and if the local tax base is so low that it cannot support a school then there is no way to pay for a decent education for any of the locals.

      I taught at an inner city school, we got nothing in the way of supplies…at all!
      I got $10 for classroom supplies for the whole year and there wasn’t even a working pencil sharpener in my classroom.

      There were not enough textbooks for every student to have one so they had to share in class, that meant that homework could never be assigned because they could not bring the books home.

      I was only allowed to make 500 copies a month and there were 32 students in each class and 7 classes a day so 500 copies was not enough to even give one test in each subject each week.

      Now tell me, how the students are supposed to ‘take advantage’ of that?

      • Robert M. Snyder February 15th, 2015 at 11:39 pm

        In what state did you teach? In live in PA. My local district receives about sixty percent of its funding from the state, and a much smaller percentage from the federal govt. Our district is 99% white, but our school ranks at the 7th percentile among all 501 districts in our state, which includes Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Harrisburg.

        Our school is adequately funded, and many students do well. But a significant percentage do not apply themselves and do poorly. I was an advisor to a robotics club at the school for several years. We had a few boys who were repeating seventh grade. They were very open about the fact that they did not apply themselves. I did my best to make them aware of the opportunities that might be available to them if they worked harder. I didn’t feel as though I was getting through.

        Another boy, who was a sophomore when he joined the club, seemed rather bright. He graduated a few years ago. He lives with his widowed mother. Nobody ever cuts the lawn. The boy walks to the local filling station where he pumps gas for a living. My grandfather operated a filling station, and there is nothing wrong with pumping gas. But I think this boy could achieve much more. He is friendly and courteous. I occasionally ask him if he is pursuing other job opportunities. He seems to have no ambition, and I’m not sure whether he wants to change.

        In the district where you taught, funding was undoubtedly an issue. But is that commonplace? In 2010, the United States spent $11,826 per student per year for K-12 students. This was 39% higher than the OECD average. Only Switzerland and Norway spent more per student.


        We’re already spending more per student than most developed nations. Do we really need to spend more?

        • Candide Thirtythree February 16th, 2015 at 12:14 am

          I live in Louisiana so it might as well be a whole different planet from PA.

          All that money goes to pay 6 figure salaries and uber perks like Cadillac SUVs and LSU season tickets for admins who get their jobs by being a family member or family friend of some local politician. It also goes to contracts that are hugely inflated, awarded to family members and friends for everything from building to air-conditioning to food service to toilet paper and cleaning supplies.

          So for instance, instead of hiring a janitor to clean the school, the politicians set up a janitorial service and put it in their brother or son-in-law’s name, then award themselves the contract and charge the taxpayers three times as much as it would have cost just to hire a janitor in the first place.

          Almost none of it goes to actual education and since the ones in charge are the ones stealing all the money, there is no one to make them stop, if anyone says anything, then they just ‘donate’ to the judge’s reelection fund or something.

          Jindal sells those charters to anyone with the bribe money for ‘campaign’ fund, over 80% have gone to cults, religious schools that teach insanity like the Loch Ness monster id real and proof that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs or some nonsense. They often slap a sign on the front of an abandoned building or boarded up store front, take the millions of taxpayer dollars and buy a few TVs and DVD players and park the kids in front of the TV all day long. Shortly after they open, they turn in their charter and keep the money. All perfectly legal since the republicans are the ones making the laws.

          • Robert M. Snyder February 16th, 2015 at 12:37 am

            Louisiana has had Republican governors for only 20 out of the past 138 years, and Republican Lieutenant Governors for only 9 out of the past 138 years.


            The crimes you have described sound like the same ones for which Democratic Mayor Ray Nagin was convicted (e.g. taking bribes from city contractors). I don’t doubt that there are corrupt Republican politicians in Louisiana. But it seems disingenuous to lay all of the blame at the feet of Republicans when Democrats have held the governorship most of the time since the Civil War. Can’t we just agree that there’s too much corruption without blaming one party or the other?

            I think the same thing happens with foreign aid. It always seems to end up in the hands of corrupt officials. Whenever we hear reports of this, it undermines the public’s willingness to spend money on things like educational programs and foreign aid. They rightfully wonder if the money will ever be used for the intended purpose, or just end up padding someone’s expense account. So if you want to end corruption by BOTH parties, then I am with you. These scandals are one of the main reasons why public confidence in government is so low.

          • Candide Thirtythree February 16th, 2015 at 1:26 am

            It is the same people, they just switched parties after Nixon’s 1968 southern strategy but they are the same corrupt conservative aholes that have always run things in Louisiana.

            Are you not old enough to remember when it happened? Family members were going to blows over it, it broke up families and set neighbor against neighbor for a full 10 years afterwards, where were you?

            Yea, there are some bad democrats but all the republicans are bad, you have to clean that up first since there are not enough democrats left in office in this country to make a dent in the problem. 38 states are completely run by republicans and several more only have enough democrats to keep the republicans from having super majorities only SEVEN states have both a democratic majority and democratic governor.

            SEVEN…and that is why this country is in such bad shape, the whole country is run by republicans.

            You claiming it is both parties is just a ruse to cover up your support of corruption perpetrated by republicans. Until you can be honest and drop the false equivalencies and admit where the real problem lays, then you are just helping in the corruption.

          • Robert M. Snyder February 16th, 2015 at 1:42 am

            “Are you not old enough to remember when it happened?”

            I was 8 years old and living in PA in 1968. My memories of Nixon are pretty sparse.

            “You claiming it is both parties is just a ruse to cover up your support of corruption perpetrated by republicans.”

            Oh, please, stop with the conspiracy theories. I voted for Obama in 2008. I have voted for Democrats for local offices. Yes, I am registered as a Republican, but I absolutely DETEST corruption by ANY politician or business leader. Just because we may see SOME issues differently, that doesn’t mean we see EVERY issue differently. If you think all Republicans are in favor of corruption, then there is nothing I can say that will change your closed mind.

          • rg9rts February 16th, 2015 at 1:45 am

            Nixon is the Gopee hero…the best thing he ever did was resign

            Pennsyltucky was backwards then and it still is …the fracking solutions are rotting their brains.

          • Candide Thirtythree February 16th, 2015 at 9:41 pm

            I registered as a republican as soon as I was old enough to vote but I switched parties during the schism.

            In your life time has a republican ever spent less, balanced a budget, supported education, supported equal rights, made less laws?

            NO, they haven’t, they just say they do and no one bothers to check their voting record. There is no reason to be a republican except to be a member of a hate group.

          • rg9rts February 16th, 2015 at 1:45 am

            Hey Candi this clown never heard of Kingfish

        • rg9rts February 16th, 2015 at 1:36 am

          Pennsyltucky is lucky to have anyone literate…a collection of inbreeds

          • Robert M. Snyder February 16th, 2015 at 1:50 am

            You really ought to show more respect for the Vice President, who was born in Scranton PA where he spent the first eleven formative years of his life.

          • rg9rts February 16th, 2015 at 1:59 am

            Got smart and left town too…too many fumes from the burning mines…rots the brain..

          • fahvel February 16th, 2015 at 3:45 am

            that was then – now is so so very different.

        • Budda February 16th, 2015 at 9:59 am

          Throwing money at any issue has limits, a tipping point of lesser to no returns. You are correct in that attitude is everything.

      • FatRat February 16th, 2015 at 9:25 pm

        [Think about the way schools are funded, they only get funds from the local tax base and if the local tax base is so low that it cannot support a school then there is no way to pay for a decent education for any of the locals.
        I taught at an inner city school, we got nothing in the way of supplies…at all!
        I got $10 for classroom supplies for the whole year and there wasn’t even a working pencil sharpener in my classroom.]

        That is on par with Twain’s : Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain at one end you lose at the other. It’s like feeding a dog on his own tail. It won’t fatten the dog.

    • Leannie February 16th, 2015 at 9:53 am

      Sitting back and pointing fingers as to whose fault it is that some kids don’t do as well as others is useless and a cop out.

      I live in PA, the quality of ones education is determined by zip code. The difference between my school disctrict, a low income area, and a higher income area less than 5 miles away is staggering. We cannot get inside each an every family and dictate how they should live, however, our school system has a social responsbiility to reach as many kids as possible with a quality education. The inequity among school districts is criminal as far as I am concerned.

      • Robert M. Snyder February 16th, 2015 at 12:34 pm

        “The difference between my school disctrict, a low income area, and a higher income area less than 5 miles away is staggering.”

        If your child needed a doctor, dentist, music lessons, or any other type of professional service, I suspect that you would gladly drive 5 miles if the services offered in the neighboring higher income area were superior. But if your child needs an education, they are not permitted to attend the superior schools in the neighboring community, less then 5 miles away.

        Many would say “Fix the lower-performing schools.”. I was a member of my local school board at one time, and more recently I was an advisor to a robotics club. Both of my children spent 13 years in that school, which ranks at the 7th percentile among PA schools. Over the years, I have given a lot of thought to how the school can be improved. I have had numerous in-depth conversations with administrators, teachers, and staff members. My younger sister and her husband have taught all of their lives, and I have heard their stories and ideas.

        Having digested all of this information, I have come to the following conclusions:

        1. Parenting is the single most important factor affecting a kid’s intellectual and emotional development.

        2. Kids who have good parents tend to do better in school and better in life. Of course there are many exceptions, but the overall trend is clear.

        3. Kids who are successful in school tend to move away from economically-depressed areas to economically-viable areas where they find the types of jobs for which they are qualified. This causes a concentration of intellectually and economically successful people in these areas.

        4. People who are not particularly successful in school tend to move away from economically successful communities into poorer communities where the cost of living is significantly lower. This causes a concentration of less-successful people in these areas.

        This self-sorting process is completely natural, but its effect is to increase the differences among communities. My daughter grew up in this rural area and attended the local, poorly-performing school. We stressed education at home, and she did very well in school. We were frequently disappointed by teachers who expected too little and did not require students to work up to their potential. Nevertheless, my daughter got into a good school and graduated with a 4.0. She immediately found employment and is making more than twice the highest salary I have ever earned.

        She and her husband are currently looking for a house. On the realtor web sites, when you look at a property, one of the most prominent things listed is the rating of the local schools. My daughter and son-in-law are paying close attention to this. They do not want to buy a home in a community that has poor schools. This is how the self-selection process works. It is perfectly natural. In PA, we can’t send our kids to different schools, but successful people can choose where to live, so they vote with their feet.

        I own a high-tech business. I have been developing a new product for several years that I am planning to begin marketing later this year. I am going to need people to help with manufacturing and tech support.

        There is no reason why a high-tech business can’t be located in a low-income, rural community. As long as we have a good internet connection and good UPS/FedEx service (which we have), the only thing standing in our way is the availability of people with suitable skills. I hope to demonstrate that a small high-tech business can be successful in a rural area. I hope to offer some well-paying technical jobs so that at least a few of our local young people don’t have to move away in order to find interesting/challenging work. And if I am successful, I hope to publicize the fact so that others will begin thinking about locating their businesses in rural areas.

        Not everyone who earns a professional degree wants to live in a built-up area. Our community offers beautiful forests, hunting, fishing, camping, friendly people, and a more relaxed pace of life. Unfortunately, it does not offer world-class schools. Our schools are adequately funded, but too many of the most successful students have been graduating and moving away for decades.

        As I see it, throwing more money at our schools won’t do much good. We need to create more professional jobs in our area in order to have a more diverse mix of people in the community. In the county where I live, only 12% of people hold bachelor’s degrees. In the county where my daughter is planning to live, over 40% hold bachelor’s degrees.

        • Leannie February 16th, 2015 at 1:31 pm

          You sure like talking about yourself a lot while never really making any sense.

          The only people you care about are the ones that do what you think they should do without any understanding at all beyond what you see in front of your face.

          Newsflash….there is a big complicated world out there and according to your tiny world view…the only children worth spending any time on are the ones who come from homes full of wonderful parents and endless resources.

          Education is our only hope to lift children out of poverty, and each child deserves a chance. Some will make it, some will not…that is called an imperfect world….but that does not make us any less responsible to keep moving forward and to keep improving.

          • Robert M. Snyder February 16th, 2015 at 2:07 pm

            Did you even read what I wrote, or did you just skim over it?

  6. rg9rts February 16th, 2015 at 1:38 am

    I’d accuse this clown of having 2 functioning brain cells but I think they gave up too.

  7. majii February 16th, 2015 at 2:49 am

    When I was in the classroom a few years ago, I saw black and white kids who were living in poverty. Alday should visit some classrooms in his area if he thinks only blacks are on welfare. Alday has no business being a member of any legislative body if he doesn’t know that education funding and funding for social programs are different budget issues. Instead of being embarrassed by his ignorance and of having voted to send him to the state legislature, I can imagine that many in his district are applauding him then waiting by the mailbox to see if their welfare checks have arrived.

    • Anomaly 100 February 16th, 2015 at 7:47 am

      I have a family member in his state who is on welfare. She’s white.