March 14, 2015 2:00 pm -

[su_right_ad]They’re investigating whether the president worked to oust the Israeli premier. That’s how Obama Derangement Syndrome works.

According to the source, the probe is looking into “funding” by OneVoice Movement – a Washington-based group that has received $350,000 in recent State Department grants, and until last November was headed by a veteran diplomat from the Clinton administrations.

A subsidiary of OneVoice is the Israel-based Victory 15 campaign, itself guided by top operatives of Obama’s White House runs, which seeks to “replace the government” of Israel.

“It’s confirmed that there is a bipartisan Permanent Subcommittee inquiry into OneVoice’s funding of V15,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity about the American group, which bills itself as working for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In his television interview, Netanyahu said the coalition seeking to oust him is generously funded by foreign donors who are also encouraging a high voter turnout among Israel’s Arab and left-wing voters in a bid to replace the existing leadership.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

114 responses to Senate Panel Thinks Obama May Have Worked To Oust Netanyahu

  1. rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 2:04 pm

    Finally THIS IS THE ONION!!!!!! I caught you!!!!!…You pushed the limits with the congressional dress code for the Obama kids….but this is off the deep end…only the totally deranged would buy into that fairy tale LOL:

    • bluejayray March 14th, 2015 at 2:56 pm

      Any more, it seems that The Onion is on the cutting edge…

      • rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 3:11 pm

        Like Colbert…Says a lot when comedy central is the bell weather for reality…

  2. edmeyer_able March 14th, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    Maybe Bibi should work more towards peace instead of war, kinda funny how he says foreign entities are involved in Israeli politics a few days after coming to DC and making a speech in front of congress.

    • rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 2:11 pm

      And having a pro Israeli front group give Tom Tom $1,000,000

      • StoneyCurtisll March 14th, 2015 at 2:13 pm

        Tom Tom Cotton?

        • rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 2:20 pm


        • Guy Lauten March 14th, 2015 at 2:22 pm

          Yep. Traitor Tom got a cool Mil from right-wing Zionists just before all this crap hit the fan. But I’m sure there was no “quid pro quo”, right?

          • StoneyCurtisll March 14th, 2015 at 2:44 pm

            The leader of The Gang of 47~!

          • bluejayray March 14th, 2015 at 2:55 pm

            I’ve been calling them that too–I don’t think that a term at a re-education camp will help these guys though.

        • ShelleysLeg March 15th, 2015 at 9:51 am

          Toe Tapping Tehran Tom. He just loves the wimmin!!

      • bluejayray March 14th, 2015 at 2:54 pm

        Yes–and I hope that the money angle is covered thoroughly. I heard about this right when it happened.

    • bluejayray March 14th, 2015 at 2:53 pm

      He sounds just like a typical GOPTPer. “Damn the facts–bomb them anyway!”

      • GreatLakeSailor March 14th, 2015 at 5:01 pm

        I believe the term is Fascist.
        Lemmie look it up….yup: Fascist.

  3. StoneyCurtisll March 14th, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    Senate Panel seems to have a touch of paranoia…

    • rg9rts March 14th, 2015 at 2:10 pm


      • StoneyCurtisll March 14th, 2015 at 2:12 pm

        maybe an understatement..;)

    • bluejayray March 14th, 2015 at 2:52 pm

      Maybe they should. This is kinda like having your Mars probe miss by a whole bunch because you forgot to use the metric system instead of SAE.

    • ShelleysLeg March 15th, 2015 at 9:49 am

      Well with Spring right around the corner, McCain is gonna have to find something OTHER than a snowstorm to blame his signing on.

      • StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 10:10 am

        Perhaps dementia?..:)

  4. StoneyCurtisll March 14th, 2015 at 2:12 pm

    Bye bye Bibi, Dont cry Bibi….

    • trees March 18th, 2015 at 7:36 pm

      Guess what?

      Bibi won.


      • OldLefty March 18th, 2015 at 8:04 pm

        Doesn’t matter for anyone here, but it’s a shame for Israel.

        To Netanyahu’s many American friends: what if a US President had said “too many Jews are voting?”

        — @ChemiShalev US Editor, Haaretz.

        “Big victory for right wing in Israel and for radical leftists who said all along that right
        wing would triumph”-Chemi Shalev US Editor, Haaretz.

        Sadly, a lot of Israelis are predicting this to be the beginning of the end for Israel;

        – Most allies have lost patience and are withdrawing support.

        – Likud has ALWAYS made Israel less secure.

        – The housing crisis only getting worse as more money goes into subsidizing the settlements.

        – They can’t afford the subsidies for the Ḥaredi to do nothing but study religion.

        – The Ḥaredi are STILL refusing to serve.

        – The young are leaving.

        – The only way they can avoid both a one state and a two state solution, and expect some modicum of peace and security is to kill everybody, Christians and Muslims included in the entire region.

      • StoneyCurtisll March 18th, 2015 at 9:05 pm

        Hitler beat Mussolini….
        You must be so proud of the outcome..
        Can you give me a fascist salute?

  5. Guy Lauten March 14th, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    Definitely the Most Important Business the Senate has before it now, isn’t it? Heavens forfend that the narcissistic, bullying, condescending Prime Minister of a foreign country might have alienated enough of his own country’s populace to LOSE an election.
    Or maybe the Senate just has to make sure they can’t be held responsible for the failure.
    Uh oh, Bibi is going to be MAD!!!

  6. NW10 March 14th, 2015 at 2:20 pm

  7. bluejayray March 14th, 2015 at 2:50 pm

    They make me laugh til I cry…

  8. craig7120 March 14th, 2015 at 3:12 pm

    Jedi mind tricks at play?
    Master Obama tricks republicans to invite Nettypot over to give a speech in front of congress, tricks Netty into accepting the republicans invite, the rage from democrats convinces both Netty & republicans this a brilliant idea…wow, well played Master Obama.
    Ha! Iran hasn’t a chance, wookies

    Lemme try, Cruz & Perry are the droids/candidates you’re looking for gop.

  9. nola878 March 14th, 2015 at 3:20 pm

    psst….while you’re at it, check into Obama’s interference with the Magic Kingdom…I have it on good authority that he’s trying to oust Mickey, Goofy and Donald…

  10. Roger Xavier Jackson March 14th, 2015 at 3:54 pm

    Gop need there head examine because they are always hating and do not have American people in there best interest. There stupidity is going to start world war 111.Do something about Russia

    • fahvel March 15th, 2015 at 5:25 am

      and what is wrong with Russia???

  11. labman57 March 14th, 2015 at 4:10 pm

    There’s simply not enough tin foil available in the world to meet the needs of the Republican Party and their delusional minions in the right wing blogosphere.

  12. Obewon March 14th, 2015 at 5:18 pm

    GOP’s congressional invite for Bibi’s roast 2 weeks before Israeli elections blew up in their faces. So brain surgeon Boehner’s invite is all Obama’s fault!

    Next-up: Cotton’s GOP gang of 47 invites China’s president Xi Jinping to congressional campaign stop, without realizing just 1 million communist party members are allowed to vote in Chinese elections.

  13. DsMTwoShoes March 14th, 2015 at 6:18 pm

    I’m waiting for Senator Joni “nut cutter” Ernst (R-Nutjob) to claim Obama is responsible for Agenda 21 being activated. Which will result in the immediate incarceration of all white male Christians over the age of 12. And the sale of all white women to over the age of 17 to white slavers from Macao.

  14. Suzanne McFly March 14th, 2015 at 6:59 pm

    This idiots are so sure that President Obama is creating their demise, they cant even fathom the fact that they are ruining their party all on their own.

    • fahvel March 15th, 2015 at 5:24 am

      give the idiots a bit of credit -the concept of an intelligent, caring american citizen in the white house IS their demise – they have been crumbling and in fighting and producing nothing since the first election – I feel Obama should get most of the credit although all he wanted was to work cooperatively.

      • NybbleMe March 15th, 2015 at 3:21 pm

        If Obama cares, why’s he indifferent to the fact that the unemployment numbers are a fabrication, we have 5 million fewer jobs in this country that we had when he was sworn in, average wages are down, and we have more citizens collecting govt benefits than ever before?

        • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 3:36 pm

          First of all, being indifferent to right wing bullsh*t is the only appropriate response. Please note that whatever fiction some talk radio entertainer told you to think, is not a fact.

          More importantly, the largest generation in the history of our republic is retiring and claiming their justly earned social security benefits.

          When you have more people than ever before, eligible for a government benefit which has been in existence for over 80 years, how in the world do you expect the number of people receiving government assistance to decrease?

          Is logic really that foreign to you Obama-haters?

          It’s no coincidence that the U.S. labor force participation rate — the share of the adult population that has a job or is trying to find one — hit a record high in the late 1990s, when the boomers were at the peak of their working lives.

          It’s been downhill ever since. The participation rate hit a 36-year low last month, and while there are multiple reasons for the decline, the aging of the baby boom generation is a dominant factor. In 2003, 82 percent of boomers were part of the labor force; a decade later, that number has declined to 66 percent, and it will only continue to fall.

  15. Dwendt44 March 14th, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    The House invites Bibibaby for a speech. Bibi’s polls drop like a rock. The Senate, not to be outdone writes a letter to the leaders of Iran. Hmmm. Got to figure a way to blame Obama for their mess. I know, say he’s meddling in the politics of our dear friend Israel.

  16. jybarz March 14th, 2015 at 7:31 pm

    Truly hope GOP idiots bang their heads hard against the wall in their intense hate and disgust of Obama everytime they accuse him, regardless if it’s true or false accusation.

    • bobbydias March 14th, 2015 at 9:16 pm

      Not hate- that is Obama’s best trait.

    • NybbleMe March 15th, 2015 at 3:19 pm

      But Democrats will defend every accusation against Obama and his unaccountable lackeys, no matter how much evidence piles up against them. So there’s not much difference.

  17. whatthe46 March 14th, 2015 at 7:33 pm

    they are truly reckless and everyone knows it. this “blame Obama” for every fk up they have committed has gotten truly OLD.

  18. Foundryman March 14th, 2015 at 7:57 pm

    The one and only one who worked to oust Netanyahu, is Netanyahu…. well….maybe Boehner too.

  19. Lisa J Payne March 14th, 2015 at 8:00 pm

    Oh wait. The republicans all are in the mud due to their letter so let us think up something to deflect it back to Obama. Really? isn’t this getting old?

  20. Robyn Ryan March 14th, 2015 at 8:05 pm

    This is barely coherent.

  21. Humma Kavula March 14th, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    Jesus H. Christ, do these idiots actually do any work that benefits the American people, instead of their corporate pimps and their corrupt party?

  22. Guest March 14th, 2015 at 9:13 pm

    I would oust Netanyahu- I consider him to be a friend of mine of about 20 years! Netanyahu wants Iran’s nuclear material cleaning program shut down so that he can make a vast fortune because of no regional competitor to his own nuclear cleaning business!

  23. bobbydias March 14th, 2015 at 9:15 pm

    I would oust Netanyahu- I consider him to be a friend of mine of about 20 years! Netanyahu wants Iran’s nuclear material cleaning program shut down so that he can make a vast fortune because of no regional competitor to his own nuclear material cleaning business!

  24. William March 14th, 2015 at 11:29 pm

    You mean that campaign stop in DC didn’t cinch his election?

    • craig7120 March 15th, 2015 at 1:54 pm

      google search, did you mean:
      “You mean that campaign stop in DC did make him clinch his erection?”

      • William March 15th, 2015 at 2:00 pm


  25. AndInThisCorner March 15th, 2015 at 12:39 am

    Oh good. More conspiracy fodder for the Republican Hunger Machine™. Can’t wait to hear about this leftie conspiracy ad nauseam…..

  26. granpa.usthai March 15th, 2015 at 1:36 am

    I think PM Netanyahu most likely ousted himself. Like most Liberal Americans, the Israeli people are mostly laid back and easy going. One thing neither of them like to see is the leader of their nation pandering – groveling – begging a bunch of drunken adulterers to be their friend. Not only does it make them appear to be weak and untrustworthy, it reflects badly on the people that elected them.

    • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 1:15 pm

      “Twice as many Israelis say that US President Barack Obama’s administration is interfering in the election as those who say it is not, according to a Panels Research poll taken for The Jerusalem Post and its Hebrew sister publication, Maariv Sof Hashavua. Sixty-two percent of respondents said the Obama administration is interfering, 31% said it is not interfering, and 8% did not know.”

      • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 1:40 pm

        Since the article does not provide a link to the actual text of the poll questions, we are left to wonder exactly how each person who respnded, defines “interference”. Is criticism of Netanyahu’s policies interpreted as interference? I guess we will never know.

        We do know that according to the poll you cite, only 41% of Israelis thought Netanyahu should speak to Congress. It also shows that only 42% of Israelis want him to remain as PM.

        So however interference is defined, there is at least a portion of the Israeli electorate where that interference will produce the result they are looking for.

        • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 2:33 pm

          Many Americans welcomed “interference” by George Soros in the 2004 election. I realize that Soros is a naturalized American citizen, and of course he holds no political office, so it’s not quite the same. However, he is in a position to direct large sums of money to influence elections, which I suspect is what many Israelis think Obama has done.

          Just as many Americans welcomed “interference” by Soros, many Israelis who are opposed to Netanyahu would naturally welcome this type of “interference” by the Obama administration.
          As Deep Throat said to Woodward “Follow the money.”.

          “On 11 November 2003, in an interview with The Washington Post, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was the “central focus of my life” and “a matter of life and death”. He said he would sacrifice his entire fortune to defeat Bush “if someone guaranteed it”. Soros gave $3 million to the Center for American Progress, $2.5 million to, and $20 million to America Coming Together. These groups worked to support Democrats in the 2004 election.”

          • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 2:45 pm

            I really don’t understand the significance of the poll question. Thanks to a Supreme Court decision, money is free speech. Any exercise of first amendment rights can be seen as interference by people who do not like the message they are hearing.

            American billionaire Sheldon Adelson is Jewish. However he is not an Israeli citizen as my understanding is that a person must emigrate and settle in Israel to claim right of return citizenship.

            Adelson is an American “interfering” in Israeli politics while apparently doing nothing that is either illegal or unethical.

            Poll question sounds like the ultimate straw man to me..


            “As a very strong backer of Prime Minister Netanyahu – not that there’s anything wrong with it – Adelson owns a paper that is rarely, if ever, critical of the PM,” wrote Shmeul Rosner, an Israeli commentator, in Jewish Journal. “He now owns two papers, and one might suspect that now two papers will never be critical of Netanyahu.”

          • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 3:01 pm

            Some responses to this blog article suggested that someone would have to be deranged (e.g. “tin foil”) to imagine that the Obama admin was trying to influence the Israeli election. I suspect that this kind of thing happens all the time (e.g. Iran Contra). We like to pretend that everything is civilized and gentlemanly, but the reality is that might makes right, whether it’s military might or financial might. It’s ruthless competition…survival of the fittest…concealed behind a thin veil of civility.

          • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 3:19 pm

            I think the tinfoil reference is due to the complete waste of time and money we have seen with the IRS hearings (no White House involvement), hearings (problems fixed within a month or two), Ebola hearings (medical protocols were effective, no threat to public health, no deluge of infected from Mexico as suggested Rep. Blackburn R-TN) and Benghazi (no wrongdoing and no stand down order).

            A Senate subcommittee investigation by definition implies that something unethical our outright illegal is going on.

            Given the track record of recent Congressional investigations as noted above, the tin foil reference is entirely accurate in my opinion.

          • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 3:42 pm

            It would appear that Republicans/conservatives have often been the targets of these investigations. I would readily agree that the practice can be abused for political purposes. But if there’s no wrongdoing to uncover, then it’s basically just a small waste of time and taxpayer dollars…basically the equivalent of a frivolous lawsuit. The only alternative is to take away the Senate’s power to investigate, a solution worse than the disease.

            “Over the past two centuries the Senate has probed issues such as interstate commerce, Ku Klux Klan activities, the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic, Wall Street banking practices, organized crime, antiunion activity, the sale of cotton, and the Vietnam War. Perhaps the Senate’s best-known investigatory committee, the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities (commonly known as the Watergate Committee), investigated alleged malfeasance in the executive branch and was instrumental in bringing about the resignation of President Richard Nixon.”


          • Robert M. Snyder March 16th, 2015 at 12:25 pm

            It would appear that the Senate is not the only entity that is capable of launching investigations.

            “Allies of Bill Clinton are reportedly convinced the White House is working against the former first lady’s presidential ambitions because she is not left-wing enough. This is hardly the first time Klein has espoused these theories. Appearing on Fox News on Wednesday, Klein said Clinton is under six investigations that have been launched by the White House. Klein claimed his State Department sources are seeing “tons of documents being wheeled through the corridors from Clinton’s old offices, and they’re going through these looking for problems on her expense account, on her dealings with foreign leaders—all of this, I’m told, is prompted by Valerie Jarrett and the president, who do not want to see Hillary Clinton president of the United States,” according to Mediaite.”


          • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 3:00 pm

            Many Americans welcomed
            “interference” by George Soros in the 2004 election.


            As they did that of Rich DeVos, The Kochs, David Siegel, Mort Zuckerman, Wayne, Huges, Steve Wynn, Ken Langone, Leon Cooperman, Donald Trump,
            Bernie Marcus, Stephen Schwarzman, Sheldon Adelson, Joe Ricketts and Harold Simmons.

            So what?

            Look into ALL the organizations we give grants to, plus how much did we pay Chalabi and how much did spend on protecting Iyad al-Allawi, (our preferred candidate
            in Iraq)?

            And again; Look at NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY of which the International Republican Institute is a component .

          • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 3:07 pm

            I agree. It’s ruthless competition. Let the fittest prevail.

            My new governor (Tom Wolf) wants to increase state taxes by $4 billion a year for “education”, which means giving $4 billion a year to teachers who will contribute a large portion to their unions, who will support future Democratic candidates. Everyone knows how this works. Let’s stop pretending that anyone is above this sort of thing. Politics is a dirty business. It is pointless to quarrel about who is “dirty” and who is “clean”. Just get in the ring and duke it out.

          • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 3:28 pm

            My new governor (Tom Wolf)


            He is my new governor as well.

            I worked hard for him, especially on education, and to oppose Corbett’s privatization.
            (This was a newspaper clipping from last year)
            Harrisburg Republicans push budget cuts that make life harder for residents. Then, politicians make it easier for allies to profit from the misery.

            The Educational Improvement Tax
            Credit (EITC), was hatched in 2001. Here’s how it works: The state provides $40
            million a year in tax credits for businesses that donate to so-called
            “scholarship organizations.” Those groups funnel the money to private
            schools, helping low-to-moderate-income students pay tuition.

            What’s in it for business?
            As one scholarship organization’s website put it, the credit “enables
            companies to support local nonprofit charities … instead of sending their tax
            dollars to Harrisburg.”

            “In many cases, the actual total out-of-pocket expense to a company is zero,” boasts another.

            The EITC can be worth as much as 90 cents for every dollar donated — a great deal even by corporate-giveaway standards.

            “It’s the only policy I know of where a business gets a very
            generous credit for something that has no relationship to what they do,”
            says Stephen Hertzenberg, of the liberal Keystone Research Center. And when
            federal tax benefits are factored in, he adds, the tax benefits could outweigh
            the original donation. Meanwhile, there’s the PR benefit of helping the kids at
            Our Lady of Eternal Tax Avoidance High School.

            . In May, The New York
            Times reported that in Pennsylvania and seven other states who have them,
            EITC-like programs “have amounted to a lifeline for many religious
            schools,” including those who “spread the theology of

            Do all these schools really help students? Who knows? While public-school kids spend more and more hours taking standardized tests, private schools are exempt from standard testing.
            But Harrisburg politicians are doubling down on the bet that they work. Last
            month, the House passed HB 1330, which would expand the amount of available
            credits to $120 million — a six-fold increase from back in 2001. The bill
            passed with massive bipartisan support.

            Why? With public schools
            hurting, and Gov. Tom Corbett proposing $30 million cuts from early education
            alone, why are we bailing out private schools?

            This is the redistribution of wealth to the top donors.

          • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 3:58 pm

            Out with the old crooks, in with the new crooks.

            My local school district ranks at the 7th percentile among PA’s 501 districts. We have a handful of great teachers. But as one of them put it “Fifty percent of the teachers should be fired”.
            PA teacher salaries are already among the highest in the US. You can understand why I’m skeptical about a $4 billion increase in education spending.

            Mind you, I am not cynical. I could get behind it if I were convinced that it would really make a difference. But I wasn’t born yesterday. The biggest problems in education can’t be fixed with money. Parents are the weakest link in the chain. It’s a cultural issue. Many parents and teachers in my district have no vision, not goals, no motivation. They are apathetic, living for today. The kids have no sense of purpose.

            The best thing my parents and teachers ever did for me was to teach me to care about the world I live in so that I would want to learn the skills that would allow me to make a difference. They taught me to work on long-term goals with delayed gratification. Today it’s all about instant gratification. Today’s younger teachers were raised in that same culture.

            I don’t see how another $4 billion is going to make a dent in that, unless we use it to get rid of the lowest 50% of teachers and replace them with top talent from the commercial sector. A practicing engineer or scientist with good credentials would never work for what a teacher earns, so maybe we get what we pay for.

          • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 4:19 pm

            My school was 11th (Data are based on the 2011-2012 school year.)???
            But we have a high tax base.
            Remember Obama supported merit based teacher pay.

            I think in some of the Scandinavian countries they have to have a masters.

            Are you from Western, central or Eastern Pa?

          • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 7:49 pm

            Clearfield County. I was born and raised in York County.

          • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 7:55 pm

            That’s pretty center, isn’t it?

            (My daughter was in State College for one semester).

            I am from Pittsburgh. Born and raised

          • Robert M. Snyder March 15th, 2015 at 8:17 pm

            My son married a girl from Monroeville and now lives there.

            One thing we have in common: ethnic food.

            Lots of Slavic and Polish folks around here too. Halusky, Pierogi, etc. I wasn’t raised with it, but I’ve grown to love it.

          • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 8:24 pm

            Oh, no..Not Monroeville!!!

            (joking), that’s East, I live in the North.

            Our baseball team, the Pittsburgh Pirates have a Pierogi race every game.

            They are yummy.

      • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 3:19 pm

        #1) That was a month ago, when Bibi was ahead.
        Netanyahu apologizes for campaign ad after union vows not to vote Likud

        Likud campaign ad showed ‘support group’ for those hurt by PM’s policy, grouping together Hamas terrorist and labor unions, prompting massive outcry and even threats by unions to vote against PM.

        Has anyone done a poll asking if they think that Israel interferes with American elections?

    • trees March 18th, 2015 at 7:31 pm

      I think PM Netanyahu most likely ousted himself

      Oh? When did that happen??

  27. lilyannerose March 15th, 2015 at 5:11 am

    Another day another GOP cray cray meltdown.

  28. fahvel March 15th, 2015 at 5:19 am

    play with the big kids and you deal with money – not integrity of democracy – just the almighty dollar which will be the anchor pulling it all down.

  29. Tom Edwards March 15th, 2015 at 5:39 am

    Did you miss the fact that there are four Democrats on this Senate committee, or did you intentionally leave that out because it torpedoes your nonsensical assertion about “Obama Derangement Syndrome?”

    • Walter Engler March 15th, 2015 at 12:46 pm

      Shhhh .. facts merely confuse them and cause their brains to hurt. Sure the Democrats supported this as even they know doing something like this is ethically wrong. They also know that at worst there will be a couple of patsies somewhere in State who were “over enthusiastic” and went beyond procedures in supporting these groups, thus it was never really Obama involved (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). That’s the Chicago Political process … do what you want but always make sure the fall guys are in place to protect the top, just in case. The fall guys know they will be taken care of long term, so they go along, and the top tier officials are always protected.

      • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 12:57 pm

        Every Senate committee and subcommittee has Democratic representation. That is how Congress works in both houses.

        But shhh, facts merely confuse Obama-haters and cause their brains to hurt.

      • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 1:17 pm

        Netanyahu’s own comments don’t even back up your bizarre conspiracy theories.

        Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused ‘Scandinavian governments’ of spending millions of dollars on a campaign to remove him from power, as the Middle Eastern country prepares for elections next week.

        Read more:

      • William March 15th, 2015 at 1:55 pm

        “do what you want but always make sure the fall guys are in place to protect the top, just in case”

        • NybbleMe March 15th, 2015 at 3:16 pm

          That’s the because the hard drives “crash” and they’ve managed to stonewall the demands for evidence to be turned over until they’re sure it’s all been properly disposed of. Hillary’s always been good at destroying the evidence.

          • William March 15th, 2015 at 3:42 pm

            ” Hillary’s always been good at destroying the evidence.”
            Would you mind posting some link to some sort of evidence that Hillary has destroyed evidence?
            I’ll wait

      • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 2:09 pm

        Do you honestly believe you are saying anything that has not been said about EVERY president??

        Come up with some new schtick.

  30. William March 15th, 2015 at 8:25 am

    Oh well.

    • trees March 18th, 2015 at 7:29 pm

      Yea, how’s that workin’ out fer ya??

  31. OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 8:31 am

    What does it matter for Obama derangement Syndrome if there are Democrats?
    PAC money trumps party loyalty.

    Where in their website can you get information on this???

    Meanwhile, this pretty common.

    Look at NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY of which the International
    Republican Institute is a component ,
    receives appropriation from the U.S. Congress through the Department of

    AT&T at the time was seeking political support for an
    $80 billion merger with BellSouth — another Madigan client — and Mr. Whitacre
    lavished praise on Mr. McCain, a senior member of the Senate Commerce
    Committee. When Mr. McCain finally took the podium, he expressed “profound
    thanks” to AT&T before presenting the institute’s Freedom Award to the
    president of Liberia, a lobbying client ofCharlie Black, an institute donor and McCain
    campaign adviser.

    The parade of lobbyists and fund-raisers at the dinner is
    emblematic of Mr. McCain’s tenure at the institute, one of a pair of nonprofit
    groups — taxpayer-financed and each allied with one of the two major political
    parties — that were created during the Reagan era to promote democracy in
    closed societies.

    As Senator John McCain waited to speak at the annual awards
    dinner of the International Republican Institute, a democracy-building group he
    has led for 15 years, lobbyists and business executives dominated the stage at
    a Washington hotel ballroom.

    First up that night in September 2006 was the institute’s
    vice chairman, Peter T. Madigan, a McCain campaign fund-raiser and lobbyist
    whose clients span the globe, from Dubai to Colombia. He thanked Timothy P.
    McKone, an AT&T lobbyist and McCain fund-raiser, for helping with the
    dinner arrangements and then introduced the chairman of AT&T, Edward E.
    Whitacre Jr., whose company had donated $200,000 for the event.

    I think there is a similar organization for Democrats.

  32. Warman1138 March 15th, 2015 at 9:18 am

    Obama Fault Syndrome has become the first mental disorder in history to be caused by politics.

    • Walter Engler March 15th, 2015 at 12:41 pm

      As expected from another Obama minion. When are you going to open your eyes and see Obama is one of the most war like presidents we’ve ever had. He supports a coup in Ukraine leading to all the issues we have with Russia, calls for airstrikes and drones around the world as he sees fit with no respect for national borders, supports rebel groups with airstrikes when it’s in his best interest to look good (like Libya or more recently ISIS because heaven forbid ISIS should succeed and make his work in the Middle East look like a failure). In all of theses cases Obama justifies it as being bloodless in his mind as no US troops are on the ground .. he merely supports other groups as proxies to fight and die for him or sends in planes and drones to kill people. And when “allies” disagree with him, well, they are his enemies too and get a different treatment. From listening in on the phone conversations of leaders in Europe to now we see funding opposition groups opposed to people he would like to remove from power. Obama has shown that Machiavelli is they way he treats the world, doing what he wants to achieve what he wants.

      • arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 12:54 pm

        So which is it? Is the President an incompetent Homer Simpson or a supremely evil omnipotent Tony Soprano?

        Obama-hater arguments are long on hysteria and completely bereft of intellectual consistency or for that matter common sense.

        How’s the birth certificate investigation coming along?

        • William March 15th, 2015 at 1:39 pm

          “How’s the birth certificate investigation coming along?”
          About as well as the Impeachment, lawsuit and death panel investigation

      • Scopedog March 15th, 2015 at 1:15 pm

        Put down the crack pipe and back away, son.

      • William March 15th, 2015 at 1:41 pm


        • StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 3:01 pm

          That’s just the tip of the iceberg…

        • NybbleMe March 15th, 2015 at 3:14 pm

          Ummm, a million injured Americans? I don’t think we’ve had a million americans set foot in Iraq TOTAL in the last 5 decades.
          And the debt from war spending is nothing compared to the wasteful spending the Democrats have supported since they took power in 2006. Also, Isis never would’ve been a threat if we hadn’t started crap in Iraq and Egypt, but it also wouldn’t have been a threat if we hadn’t pulled out of Iraq and actively undermined the govt of Syria.

      • craig7120 March 15th, 2015 at 1:43 pm

        Either you’re with us or with the terrorists, there’s no in between, its really that simple.


      • OldLefty March 15th, 2015 at 2:08 pm

        As expected from another Obama minion. When are you going to
        open your eyes and see Obama is one of the most war like presidents we’ve ever


        As opposed to the RNC minion?

        They said basically the same thing about EVERY president.

      • Warman1138 March 15th, 2015 at 2:49 pm

        Like I said, OFS.

      • StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 3:02 pm


      • NybbleMe March 15th, 2015 at 3:11 pm

        Obama tried to get us involved in Libya and Syria too, never mind that he wanted to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria against a secular dictator. When has that EVER worked out well for us in the Middle East?

        • StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 3:15 pm

          You have no idea what you are talking about…
          I will leave it at that.

        • William March 15th, 2015 at 3:23 pm

          “never mind that he wanted to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria against a secular dictator.”
          Could you post a link please?
          I’d like to read about that.

          • StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 3:28 pm

            I suspect he thinks Syria is Egypt…
            Confusion and derangement are not exclusively.

          • William March 15th, 2015 at 4:01 pm


          • StoneyCurtisll March 15th, 2015 at 4:23 pm


        • OldLefty March 18th, 2015 at 9:16 pm

          Those are little half truths.
          Libya was a NATO enforcement of a UN sanctioned no fly zone.
          Obama wanted to strike a weapons site in Syria, and asked for Congressional approval.
          He never supported the Muslim Brotherhood other than the winners of an election and then was trashed for not calling their ouster a “coup”.

    • William March 15th, 2015 at 1:49 pm

      Unlike Obama Tourette’s, OFS is not covered under Obama-care. It’s best to just let them go.

    • NybbleMe March 15th, 2015 at 3:09 pm

      You weren’t around for Bush then…Bush Derangement Syndrome was pretty bad.

      • OldLefty March 18th, 2015 at 9:09 pm

        You weren’t around for Bush then…Bush Derangement Syndrome was pretty bad.


        Yeah, we were.
        The difference was that most of it came from the riff raff, not congressional leadership.

  33. arc99 March 15th, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    Meanwhile, in case FOX news has not informed you of this, America has allies other than Israel.

    European officials criticize Republican letter to Iran