April 27, 2015 4:40 pm -


This is NOT the way to behave when you’re protesting.

Several officers have been injured as a large riot continues to grow violent Monday afternoon in Baltimore.

Baltimore Police sprayed mace at rioters, but say a large group of teenagers is continuing to throw bricks, rocks and other items at officers…

Police say the group has refused to follow orders and the department is continuing to deploy resources into the neighborhoods near the mall. Officers are also using fire extinguishers to put out small fires that rioters started.




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

102 responses to Riots In Baltimore

  1. Suzanne McFly April 27th, 2015 at 5:02 pm

    These rioters piss me off to no end. We need protesters out there leading a rightful protest against America’s police force, then we have these younger people coming in and destroying any chance there is for a discussion of how we can come together and work out these issues. I know they are mad, but what they are doing is counterproductive. What good comes from looting, torching, throwing items at people?

    • Anomaly 100 April 27th, 2015 at 5:15 pm

      What you said.

    • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 7:15 pm

      Just keep in mind there are plenty of peaceful protest going on. Not everybody is violent. The violence just gets the majority of coverage. The media really is skewing things unfairly.

      • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 8:39 pm

        Agreed. Here’s what I tell young people: Whenever you watch news coverage, you can be sure that you are seeing the worst things that happened that day, because if something worse had happened, they would have covered that instead. Tens of thousands of Baltimore residents went to work today and did a good job, like they always do. And then they went home and cooked dinner without breaking any laws. But we don’t see very many of those folks on the news coverage, today or any other day.

      • Hugh Everett April 28th, 2015 at 12:38 am

        This evening I went to a track in Houston to run. The only people present in the parking lot were a group of black high school students. My car was visible from the track during the majority of each lap, but when I returned to the car in 30 minutes, the tires were slashed and the kids were gone.These kids didn’t care whether or not I voted for Obama. All they saw was that I’m white. If I wasn’t such a muscular guy, they might have even assaulted me.

    • Sy Colepath April 27th, 2015 at 7:58 pm

      There was a great deal of violence in the colonies prior to the American Revolution.

      You could infer that some good came from it.

      Just saying…

      • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 8:04 pm

        Because the government at the time didn’t listen to the people. Go figure.

  2. Ricky C. April 27th, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    All the savages should be rounded up and thrown under the jail, then make them pay for all the damage they caused.

    • OldLefty April 27th, 2015 at 5:33 pm

      All the savages should be rounded up and thrown under the jail, then make them pay for all the damage they caused.1


      Isn’t that what the right wing wants?

      Larry Klayman ; “ We will converge on and ‘Occupy
      Washington’ in the millions” and that they won’t leave the city until President
      Obama resigns or the military forcibly removes him from office.

      Dick Morris: “Those crazies inMontana who say, ‘We’re going to kill ATF agents because the U.N.’s going to take over’ — well, they’re beginning to have a case.”

      Quinn calls for “riots”: “Our country was built on revolution, and it’s about time we took it back.”

      Chuck Norris: “[W]ill history need to record a second American Revolution?”

      Anti-gay activist Scott Lively explains why an “angry mob” is needed to stop same-sex marriage.

      “1776 Will Commence Again If You Try To Take Our

    • allison1050 April 27th, 2015 at 6:36 pm

      {{{Oh Ricky}}}, OldLefty and some of us are still waiting for you to respond to the comment that OldLefty made DIRECTLY TO YOU. ;o)

    • fancypants April 27th, 2015 at 6:43 pm

      the 2 cops in the police van should be the only ones out there in riot gear

  3. Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 5:13 pm

    Its the only way they know how to behave

    • OldLefty April 27th, 2015 at 5:22 pm

      Its the only way they know how to behave


      The police?
      Breaking backs?

      • Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 5:28 pm

        Yes .. The police committing a crime gives us the right to destroy property, loot and commit more crimes..
        Two wrongs always make a right.. dingbat

        • OldLefty April 27th, 2015 at 5:34 pm

          I am simply asking, ‘Its the only way WHO knows how to behave?

          • Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 5:41 pm

            The black community.. Rioting is always the answer. Destruction, more crime… Looting in the memory of a loved one

          • whatthe46 April 27th, 2015 at 5:49 pm

            the pumpkin festival? Penn State? winning a football or soccer game? that’s the white community. oh, but wait, they were just having fun all while doing the exact same thing. how quickly you forget don’t you?

          • Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 5:58 pm

            BS.. They were not exclusively white dingbat.. Nice try .. The black community will never get it together..

          • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 6:02 pm

            Certainly not as long they are being killed and oppressed by those with more power.

          • Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 6:13 pm

            Yes that makes it ok.. Two wrongs make everything ok.. Moron… This oppression BS is getting old.. The excuse needs some tuning up.. Jews and Cambodians seem to have done well. They suffered for a lot longer and a lot worse.. idiot

          • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 6:14 pm

            Your done here. Calling the moderators morons is moronic.

          • Gina April 27th, 2015 at 8:03 pm

            Loved it! Thank you! 🙂

          • Obewon April 27th, 2015 at 8:32 pm

            I think this is the 2nd ban on the same IP. “Rocker” was also eddydeville122@’boo’ (same IP)

          • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 8:38 pm

            Yeah, I recognize him. Actually I think it might be the third, but who’s keeping track. I will be watching for him to try and come back, it won’t happen if I can help it. He is done.

          • Obewon April 27th, 2015 at 8:40 pm

            I’m keeping a file of warned and Banned! (just practicing:)

          • craig7120 April 28th, 2015 at 10:22 am

            Dude, was a time I could pick who’s who by their writing styles, good luck my man.
            You’re one of the good guys, be safe

          • bpollen April 29th, 2015 at 6:33 am

            Hey!!!! You didn’t call anybody a dingbat! Losing your stride? Nothing says “proof” quite like name-calling! Boy, when all you can offer is “moron” without a “dingbat” as wing-man, people are apt to think you have lost your debate mojo!

          • whatthe46 April 27th, 2015 at 6:07 pm

            denial is your strong suit i see.

          • OldLefty April 27th, 2015 at 5:51 pm

            Like the right wing white community?Larry Klayman ; “ We will converge on and ‘Occupy
            Washington’ in the millions” and that they won’t leave the city until President
            Obama resigns or the military forcibly removes him from office.

            Dick Morris: “Those crazies in
            Montana who say, ‘We’re going to kill ATF agents because the U.N.’s going to
            take over’ — well, they’re beginning to have a case.”

            Quinn calls for “riots”:
            “Our country was built on revolution, and it’s about time we took it

            Chuck Norris: “[W]ill history
            need to record a second American Revolution?”

            Anti-gay activist Scott Lively
            explains why an “angry mob” is needed to stop same-sex marriage.

            “1776 Will Commence Again If You Try To Take Our

            I thought you were talking about the police.
            It seems if you are black, violence is always the answer as well.

          • Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 6:05 pm

            LMAO You have any video of those riots ? How about just footage of those millions who marched on Washington demanding Obamas resignation.. Do you have a damage report or a casualty report ? dingbat… I knew you would try to justify the carnage in Bmore… douchenozzel

          • OldLefty April 27th, 2015 at 6:24 pm

            Doesn’t matter.

            With all the violent rhetoric, why would anyone have confidence that if the pole were reversed; young white men being killed by black cops, that THEY would behave any differently?

            And what does it have to do with justifying riots in Baltimore?

            But calling me a douchenozzel might strengthen your argument.

          • Anomaly 100 April 27th, 2015 at 6:04 pm

            As opposed to white people rioting because of a game. Or rapey frat boys, or other frat boys destroying property?

          • Eddy DeVille April 27th, 2015 at 6:09 pm

            Yea sure dingbat.. That seems to be the only response to these ignorant morons.. Find me a sports riot that wasnt multi racial.. How about you go Youtube LA Lakers riot..
            I know you feel its ok to destroy a community.. Two wrongs always make a right in a morons eyes..

          • fancypants April 27th, 2015 at 6:41 pm

            ok Here is your 2 wrongs..
            ferguson mo and Baltimore md.
            now show what’s right ?

          • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 8:58 pm

            Eddy, “the black community” is a lot like “the Arab street”. The news coverage is showing us the worst of the worst. Please don’t assume that the majority of blacks approve of the looting and violence that is occurring in Baltimore. And please don’t assume that I am a liberal. I have taken plenty of flak on this forum for my conservative views.

            I condemn the violence and looting. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. I want the perpetrators held fully accountable. But I do not blame blacks in general for the actions of a few.

        • Sy Colepath April 27th, 2015 at 9:00 pm

          Actually, it would be three wrongs, since it is unlikely the cops will have to pay for their crimes. It’s a guaranty that any rioters that are identified will receive the full force of the law.

    • StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 9:46 pm

      I assume you are talking about the police….(Its the only way they know how to behave)

    • StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 9:55 pm

      I’m sure you will say ‘I’m not a racist”…
      But you state..
      “Thats the only way “they” (colored, black, Negroes or the word you really want to use) “know how to act”….

      Why not give out a White Power shutout while you are at it?

      You couldn’t be a more obvious racist scum.

  4. Red Eye Robot April 27th, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    Shep on fox reporting at least 7 injured including broken bones and one officer unresponsive

    • Anomaly 100 April 27th, 2015 at 5:34 pm

      I read the same thing, too.

    • dave-dr-gonzo April 27th, 2015 at 7:56 pm

      Shep also rebuked several of his FOX “The Five” colleagues for parroting racist tropes.

      The more I watch Shep, the more I think NBC should poach him for the Nightly News, which needs a real journalist who is serious about complete, accurate, spin-free reporting in their anchor chair.

    • StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 9:44 pm

      when one cop is killed..
      The the score is 1 to 1..???

  5. Tim Coolio April 27th, 2015 at 5:46 pm

    Each cop car needs 5 cops in it, one white, black,
    asian, hispanic and muslim, and have one at a time
    deal with a criminal depending on what nationality or
    skin color they are.

    • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 5:49 pm

      They all need to come from other police departments also. The Baltimore PD should stand down, they are part of the problem and their continued involvement is aggravating the situation.

    • whatthe46 April 27th, 2015 at 5:50 pm

      no they don’t need to do that… the last part of your sentence. police just need to learn to respect other people. they are human beings period.

      • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 5:53 pm

        The optics from the point of view from the protester might suggest that having to deal with someone in authority that is more similar to you than dissimilar might help.

        • whatthe46 April 27th, 2015 at 6:06 pm

          i agree to a point. how about if you a pig ass racist or bigot, weed them out. people who are suppose to protect and serve don’t get to choose which tax payer deserves respect and who doesn’t. the look on the guys face that was in the fight with another commuter in NYPD had a look of “huh?” when the swedish guy (cop no less) asked if he was ok. he shouldn’t have had to respond to a remark of kindness such as that. crazy.

        • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 8:12 pm

          Greta van Sustern said that the Baltimore police force is 41% black and 46% white.

          • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 8:27 pm

            !00% are of the department that killed Freddy Gray. They need officers from other departments that are not involved. Anything at all that may be seen as impropriety or a cover-up needs to be removed.

          • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 8:50 pm

            I am pretty sure I heard, a few days ago, that the state and federal governments were going to conduct their own, separate investigations.

          • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 8:56 pm

            IMO, the entire BPD should be put on leave during the investigation. There are signs of systemic abuse and continuing violations. The national guard or someone else should come in and maintain the peace and do all the patrols on the street. It would probably be a good idea to start hiring and recruiting new officers now for a new force with new tactics at its core.

          • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 9:01 pm

            Forty-one percent of the 3,000+ BPD officers are black. Your suggestion would put 1,400 black police officers out of work.

          • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 9:06 pm

            Put on leave. If they don’t like it they should look for jobs elsewhere or they can stay and try and become part of a solution, instead of part of a problem. So far officers in the department don’t want to speak up about the problems. Everyone should be suspect.

  6. Foundryman April 27th, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    This is sad, but expected. For at least thirty years we’ve seen a right wing economic policy that was designed to destroy any and all attempts to bring better education and better jobs to the cities, not just Baltimore, but all of them. Add to that a political party that decided it’s better to give more to the rich and take more from the poor to insure the country become even more polarized and divided. Along came a black President and low and behold from day one it was decided he should fail at everything and race should be at the forefront of everything he says or does.

    Each and every time anyone has tried to point out the problems and the effects of those problems, they were met with overwhelming distortions and lies. Just look back at the “community organizer” meme meant as a insult toward Obama. That was an attack on a system not just Obama, that was meant to deter what’s happening today.

    Policies that were in place to help the inner city poor were cut, some were eliminated and all were lied about from right wing racists on the radio. Policies were changed that sent jobs overseas and closed the factories here only to have those same racists blame the workers and their unions for it. As a result, we have millions working minimum wage for walmart and mcdonalds instead of working in building the infrastructure for factory expansions.

    Although it’s been going on, it hasn’t been this bad when almost weekly we see another unarmed black kid murdered by either the police or some self righteous moron, just to read he had it coming. It’s unfortunate, it’s not going to accomplish anything, but these rioters are acting out the only way they can, what’s surprising is it isn’t happening in dozens of other cities where the police have been allowed to run amok over peoples civil rights.

    • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 6:22 pm

      I think the people have reached their breaking point. I get the feeling this is only going to get worse before it gets better because the police and the people with power don’t want to recognize their mistakes and deal with the problem fairly. The oppressed will be blamed.

      • Foundryman April 27th, 2015 at 6:33 pm

        Yep, enough is enough. They always justify what they were doing with “we were doing what we were trained for”, so they will never admit it was a ‘mistake’.

        • mea_mark April 27th, 2015 at 7:33 pm

          This weekend coming up will see more activity, full moon always seems to bring things to a head. I hope the authorities admit their mistakes and separate themselves from the situation and let someone else take over as they clean house. I doubt it will happen, but I will hope, there is always hope.

    • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 8:48 pm

      Foundryman, you mentioned the infrastructure for factory expansions. Do you actually work in a foundry? Have mechanization and automation caused jobs to be eliminated where you work? Is your company making more products with less workers than it used to? Automation is happening all across the manufacturing sector, reducing the need for workers. And in the domestic services, construction, and landscaping sectors, we have a steady stream of immigrants competing with the native-born population for jobs. It seems there are many factors at work. You might says that it’s a perfect storm.

      • Foundryman April 27th, 2015 at 9:38 pm

        Technology and automation play a big part of lost jobs, but at the same time it’s that progress that has created better, safer and more productive jobs for the younger workers. You can’t stop or prevent progress. It’s the loss of jobs that could have been prevented but was encouraged instead that was the problem. It’s past tense because the damage has been done and it’s irreversible. Corporate mergers and hostile takeovers that resulted in many thousands of industrial factories to close had nothing to do with technology and everything to do with greed. That’s part of the Reagan legacy. That greed made thousands richer beyond their wildest dreams, while putting millions in such a desperate state that some of them are in the streets (at least their children are) burning buildings tonight.

        There are many reasons for the loss of jobs, it is a perfect storm and like all storms it’s going to do damage.

        • Robert M. Snyder April 27th, 2015 at 10:18 pm

          You referred to “more productive” jobs for the younger workers. If each worker is more productive, that means that fewer workers are needed to create the same number of products. So how can you say that the loss of jobs could have been prevented? Perhaps a new, different job is created for every job that is lost. But many people, including President Obama, have stated that young people need to acquire the high-tech skills needed for 21st century jobs. I have a strong suspicion that the people who are looting and throwing rocks tonight do not have the skills needed to get those jobs.

          I live in a low-income, rural area that is 99% white. A few years ago I volunteered at my local high school where I taught evening classes in robotics. Perhaps 50% of the students really wanted to learn and had the self-discipline and attention span needed to succeed. But I would have to say that at least 50% of the students did not have those attributes. Not everyone is cut out to work in a high tech occupation. I worked in a factory for a year after high school, and most of the people there seemed content with the work they did. I can only remember a couple who were pursuing higher education.

          A lot of the people I know have traditional jobs that do not require a lot of high tech skills. But they do require self-discipline and the ability to pay attention and stay focused. The contractor who built my office said that his biggest challenge is finding people who will show up to work on Monday morning. Again, this is a 99% white, rural, low-income community.

          I am not suggesting that every problem is due to the individual. But when I see people looting and burning, it seems apparent that these individuals are lacking in self-discipline and respect for others, which are essential skills for just about any type of job.

          • Foundryman April 27th, 2015 at 11:37 pm

            Skilled or not, you have to make it worthwhile before you’ll find the “good help”. The contractor who built your office complaining about his help not showing up most likely needs to pay them better. I’ve seen that very thing dozens of times. Respect is earned and it’s mutual, many employers refuse to accept that.

            The people who are looting tonight are a product of a system that was laid out to control them and keep them down long before they were born. You are likely correct in assessing their work ethic and motivation. The fact they do not have the ability or opportunity to better themselves even as much as one has in a predominately poor white rural area like yours is not an individual failing, but a societal one.

            Surely you’re not suggesting the loss of many of those jobs could not have been prevented? I’m not exactly up on the details but I believe there was a change in the law or the dreaded regulations that made it much easier and even lucrative to close factories and open new ones in a foreign country, mainly China. Derivative schemes, short sale of stocks equity buy outs all designed to manipulate the stock market and force the sale of assets of companies so they can pay a guy in China a dollar a day compared to an American getting 15 an hour has nothing to do with skills, education or technology.

          • Robert M. Snyder April 28th, 2015 at 12:15 am

            The largest employer in China, Foxconn, is investing heavily in robotics in order to reduce its dependence on human labor. This is a worldwide phenomenon.

            Liberals blame Reagan and the Bushes. Conservatives blame Carter, Clinton, and Obama. The fact is that a lot of societal trends, such as increasing automation and its effects on the worldwide job market, are simply beyond the control of government. It really doesn’t matter who is in charge. This is an organic phenomenon that is going to unfold in pretty much the same way, no matter what we do.

            Instead of trying to place blame, we should be asking how to best adapt. Chinese companies are outsourcing work to Vietnam because living standards and wages have been rising in China.

            A lot of Americans do not realize how far China has progressed in recent decades. Look at this photo of Shanghai. It puts a lot of US cities to shame.


            China will continue to progress. Chinese living standards will continue to rise. And the quality of Chinese products will continue to improve. It’s the same progression we saw in Japan after WWII. It’s not just low-skilled American workers who must compete against Chinese workers. It’s also high-skilled workers. And all jobs, in all countries, are being increasingly automated.

            Presidents and congressional leaders cannot stop these trends. The best they can do is to figure out the best ways to adapt. But there is no magic solution that will guarantee everyone a good-paying job. My daughter is an ultrasound tech. That’s a pretty high-skilled job. But it isn’t difficult to imagine robots performing ultrasound scans.

            Outsourcing to China was a temporary phenomenon. As living standards in China have risen, so too have wages, making China less attractive to US companies. But automation is here to stay, and as automation become increasingly available and affordable, US and Chinese companies will increasingly replace workers with machines. And there isn’t much that politicians of either party can do about that.

            People blame politicians because they can’t face the truth, which is that nobody is really in control. Blaming someone for a problem is comforting, because it bolsters the illusion that a problem could be solved, if only good people were making the decisions. But that’s just a fairy tale. Automation is replacing workers all over the world, and nobody can stop it.

            President Obama and many others have called for American youth to learn the skills that will prepare them for the high tech jobs of the 21st century. But as more and more jobs become automated, the jobs that remain will require increasingly high mental capabilities. Eventually, only the very brightest people will be able to keep up. It’s like the story of John Henry who pushed himself so hard to outperform a steam powered hammer that he died of a heart attack. In a contest between a man and a machine, eventually the machine will win. Eventually machines will be able to out-think our best thinkers.

            I know it’s not a rosy picture, but it is reality, Blaming politicians of either party is just a way of avoiding reality.

    • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 9:39 pm

      That’s right, try to blame the right wing. Hey genius, Baltimore is a city run by liberal black Democrats and that is where the blame lies.

      • StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 9:41 pm

        Oh please cracker…
        Stop embarrassing yourself.

        • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 10:03 pm

          Can’t deal with the truth, huh?

          • arc99 April 27th, 2015 at 11:02 pm

            Certainly we can deal with the truth. How come you never post any?

            So President Clinton was solely responsible for the trade bill?

            Honestly, does your hypocrisy have any limits? When it comes to Iraq, you whine but but but Democrats voted for it too.

            Ah but for NAFTA, President Clinton is to blame with no mention of the Republicans in Congress that passed it. A majority of Republicans I would add, compared to Democrats where a majority of Democrats across both Houses voted no.

          • shocktreatment April 27th, 2015 at 11:12 pm

            The truth, there Tarter? Truth is you don’t seem to remember 2008, I posted something similar in reply to another of your ilk, maybe you’ll do better:

            Don’t remember 2008? Here, let me help:

            Near record number of banks failing, gotta back nearly 80 years to find a worse year for it. Then, of course, the “too big to fail” institutions needing government assistance, to, you know, avoid failing…

            The U.S.lost ~2.6 million jobs between December 2007 and Dec, 2008. That’s not half the story though, an average of 216,000 jobs lost per month over the year, but an average of 510,000 lost per month in those last three months.

            Remember it!
            October, 314,000 jobs gone more jobs than there are residents of Lexington, Ky.
            November, 584,000 jobs gone, that’s Albuquerque plus 30,000.

            632,000 jobs lost in December, turn the lights off in Nashville!

            A total loss of over 1.5 million jobs in the fourth quarter of 2008.There’s your “poverty and despair”, you fraud.

            Once upon a time, the strategy was to start a war to PROP UP a failing economy. The conservatards started two wars, while bringing simultaneously brought the country to the brink.

            Oh yeah, sixty-one, yes, 61 straight months of private sector job growth during President Obama’s tenure.

            Truth hurts you fakes

          • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 11:48 pm

            Those “too big to fail” institutions should have been allowed to fail – that is called the free market capitalist system. What we have now is faux capitalism, with the government running the show and it’s proving to be a failure.

          • shocktreatment April 27th, 2015 at 11:57 pm

            Where to begin!

            “Those “too big to fail” institutions should have been allowed to fail…”

            Soooo, you ARE clueless. They fail, then what, Tarter? Any notion as to what would have happened to the US had those institutions collapsed?

            “that is called the free market capitalist system.”

            Point out one time, one place where a genuine “free market capitalist system” existed. Now guess why you can’t.

          • Gindy51 April 28th, 2015 at 6:55 am

            Sorry but the free market is never free.

          • bpollen April 28th, 2015 at 4:10 am

            You don’t have any involvement with the truth, so it seems YOU can’t handle it.

    • craig7120 April 27th, 2015 at 10:03 pm

      Other cities only need an igniter

  7. allison1050 April 27th, 2015 at 6:23 pm

    Hell they were “deployed” after the fact so since they spent quite a bit of time standing at a particular intersection so does it still count?

  8. tracey marie April 27th, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    I heard that several schools let out at the same time and then some gangs joined in to start these riots. Either way if true or not, they are doing no one any favors. The protesters were in the right, they were making a point….untill they got violent

  9. StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    Burning and looting..

    • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 10:11 pm

      I never thought I would see such a thing as is happening in Baltimore – the liberal black power structure oppressing other blacks. Where’s Sharpton?

      • bpollen April 28th, 2015 at 4:09 am

        Aren’t you late for the Klan meeting, Tater???

  10. John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 9:36 pm

    When everything blew up in Ferguson, Mo., the charge was that the police and city leaders wee “too white” Now we have Baltimore which is up in flames where the mayor is black, the police chief is black, and half the police force is black. So what is the excuse going to be now?

    • StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 9:39 pm

      You win the False equivalence award of the night.

      • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 10:06 pm

        Just trying to get to the bottom of the situation.

        • craig7120 April 27th, 2015 at 10:12 pm

          A black mans spine was severed while in police custody, and he died.

          Your comment about that incident spoke volumes compared to your comments about some blacks looting and setting fires. Noted

          • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 11:51 pm

            Oh, so there are no blacks looting and setting fires? Burning down the infrastructure where you live in is not a way to make your neighborhood better. Where will those seniors live now that their new home has been destroyed?

          • craig7120 April 28th, 2015 at 12:55 am

            2 cities have erupted due to police brutality, but you save your comments for the reaction rather than the cause. That’s like blaming your runny nose for your cold.
            Ignore this cancer at your own peril, but this is far more serious and has the potential of doing far more damage to our country than a dem or rep president, which in your world is the barometer for Americas health.

        • bpollen April 28th, 2015 at 4:08 am

          You are at the bottom of every situation. That’s home, eh?

        • mea_mark April 28th, 2015 at 8:21 am


  11. craig7120 April 27th, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    Sad indeed
    In related news the top 1% is doing extremely well in this economy.

    Who needs to watch “bait car” when the local news is suffice.

    USA! USA! Usa……..

    Psssst, 1%’ers its called a reckoning

    To my Baltimore friends, stay safe and you have my support

    • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 10:14 pm

      Now why are you bringing up the 1%’er Hillary?

      • craig7120 April 27th, 2015 at 10:26 pm

        Shes gonna inherit this problem in a couple of years, for starters.

  12. Red Eye Robot April 27th, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    Senior Center being built by church, burned in the name of Justice for Freddie

    • StoneyCurtisll April 27th, 2015 at 10:41 pm

      I’ll bet you a million dollars that everyone of the protesters/rioters in Baltimore tonight identify themselves as Christians..
      Care to make the wager?

    • John Tarter April 27th, 2015 at 11:53 pm

      That’s Justice. Speaking of justice, Hey, did you see that one of the “Justice Brothers” AKA Jessie “Shakedown” Jackson was at the funeral?

    • bpollen April 28th, 2015 at 4:07 am

      I knew you wouldn’t pass up any opportunity to show black people misbehaving to promote your racist viewpoint. You, sir, are a vile, despicable human being.

      • Red Eye Robot April 28th, 2015 at 2:52 pm

        the riots were the news on every media outlet in America, but I’m racist. You’re pathetic, your racism crutch has turned you into an intellectual cripple

        • bpollen April 28th, 2015 at 2:58 pm

          Bigot says what? You repeatedly show your bigotry, virtually every single time you post. It must be hard to walk, what with all the knee-jerking, eh? And, I’m not walking with the crutch of racism, you are living in house that bigotry built. It’s your stock in trade.

          So, feel free to think I am pathetic (bigots REALLY don’t like it when people call them what they are, do they?) and I will take it as a compliment. You obviously feel that calling a spade a spade (that one is for you, Kleagle) is what pathetic race cripples do. You and George Lincoln Rockwell, real Amerikkkans!

  13. OldLefty April 28th, 2015 at 6:01 am

    From David Simon, creator of “The Wire”–the show about poverty, drugs, violence and
    police brutality in Baltimore , and who clearly loves the city;

    “Yes, there is a lot to be argued, debated, addressed. And this moment, as inevitable as it
    has sometimes seemed, can still, in the end, prove transformational, if not
    redemptive for our city.
    Changes are necessary and voices need to be heard. All of that is true and all of that is
    still possible, despite what is now loose in the streets.

    But now — in this moment — the anger and the selfishness and
    the brutality of those claiming the right to violence in Freddie Gray’s name
    needs to cease. There was real
    power and potential in the peaceful protests that spoke in Mr. Gray’s name
    initially, and there was real unity at his homegoing today. But this, now, in the streets, is an
    affront to that man’s memory and a dimunition of the absolute moral lesson that
    underlies his unnecessary death.

    If you can’t seek redress and demand reform without a brick
    in your hand, you risk losing this moment for all of us in Baltimore. Turn around. Go home. Please.”

  14. OldLefty April 28th, 2015 at 7:05 am

    We have all come across the person who rushes to ask, “Have you heard the terrible
    news?”, “Did you hear what happened?? It’s SO sad!”, while they don’t realize that they are smiling and can barely contain their glee, either to be the one who gets to be the first one to tell everyone the news or glee, in morbid ghoulishness.

    Often these people never realize how transparent their pleasure-in-others’-misfortune
    is to everyone else.

    Here, we see the online version of that. Two things that I see that they consistently take such delight and triumph in;
    Palestinian violence and attacks on settlers and riots in black communities after blatant
    police brutality.

    What they don’t ever seem to see is that just through their own rhetoric, they give away the same mindset as those who engage in the very violence that causes them such joyful outrage.

    Can anyone doubt that those who love to tell us that violence is all “these animals”
    understand “, would be the first to lob a missile into Tel Aviv if THEY were born and raised in the occupied territories?

    Would be the first to loot and riot if THEY were born into poverty and the white kids were being killed by BLACK police officers who were exonerated by a black power structure?

    It is very transparent to everyone but the speaker/posters.

  15. Roctuna April 28th, 2015 at 8:00 am

    An excellent piece from The Atlantic.

  16. Waist Cincher April 28th, 2015 at 8:59 am

    You have to admit they caused you to post this and already a hundred people to join this discussion on one of the biggest websites in the world: DISQUS. They made ripples sorry.

  17. William April 28th, 2015 at 9:00 am

    Not all looting takes place during riots.

  18. Robert M. Snyder April 28th, 2015 at 11:36 am

    While it is important to look at societal factors when searching for the causes of violent behavior, we should not ignore biological factors.

    Conventional wisdom says that being gay is not a choice, because sexual preference is determined by biological factors. So if biological factors can affect behavior, then what about testosterone?

    Males commit far more violent crimes than females. Young males commit far more violent crimes than older males. Black males in the US have the highest prostate cancer rates in the world and nearly twice that of whites. Black males have an average testosterone level that is 15% higher than that of white males. According to researchers, “A 15% difference in circulating testosterone levels could readily explain a twofold difference in prostate cancer risk.”. Is it possible that a 15% difference in circulating testosterone levels could explain differences in behavior as well?

    We’ve all heard of “roid rage”. If a male friend told you that he had started taking anabolic steroids, you might be concerned about his ability to control his emotions. Testosterone is a steroid hormone. Having a higher level of steroid hormones does not directly cause a person to engage in violent behavior, but it may increase the difficulty of controlling one’s emotions.

    Good fathers teach their sons, by word and by example, how to channel their emotions into productive pursuits. A significant number of young people are growing up in fatherless homes, and this problem affects black children the most. When you combine the pain and anger that comes from being abandoned by your father, the lack of a father’s love, friendship, and guidance, and a surge of hormones that occurs during the teen years, you are looking at a perfect storm.

    I am not suggesting that testosterone is the only factor. I am suggesting that it is one important factor. We don’t see a lot of females or older men participating in violent behaviors. Young men face special challenges, and learning how to channel emotions into productive pursuits is a particularly difficult challenge. Testosterone amplifies emotions. Mothers can understand that on an intellectual level, but fathers who have lived through that experience can relate to young men in a way that mothers cannot. All young men need loving fathers to help them get through this period of their lives. Young men with elevated testosterone levels need this love the most.
