May 4, 2015 9:00 pm -


Let’s alarm people about how the gays are getting rights and taking over the country. That seems to be what is driving so much crazy rhetoric by right-wingers who seem threatened by gay rights.

Dr. [James] Dobson recently shared a letter of warning with the listeners of his “Family Talk” radio show.

The letter, which was reprinted on the conspiracy website WorldNet Daily, warned of the horrible things that will happen if the U.S. Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage.

Dr. Dobson also claimed that the “homosexual activist movement” wants the “overturning [of] laws prohibiting pedophilia.”

Dobson writes:

For more than 50 years, the homosexual activist movement has sought to implement a master plan that has had as its centerpiece the destruction or redesign of the family.

Many of these objectives have largely been realized, including widespread support of the gay lifestyle, discrediting of Scriptures that condemn homosexuality or sexual immorality, muzzling of the clergy and Christian media, inclusion of gays and lesbians in all branches of the military, granting of special privileges and rights in the law, overturning laws prohibiting pedophilia, indoctrinating children and future generations through public education, and securing all the legal benefits of marriage for any two or more people who claim to have homosexual tendencies.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

77 responses to Dobson: Gays Want To Rid Laws Against Sex With Children

  1. Obewon May 4th, 2015 at 9:33 pm

    98% of child molesters are heterosexual and primarily friends & family of their victims.

    Does he know his co-founder Junk Scientist Alan Rekers is who he’s balking about? Top 10 outted RW homophobes.

    • Chinese Democracy May 5th, 2015 at 3:10 am

      I think he needs to get on his knees in the mens restroom at the bus station and prove gay is a choice

      • bpollen May 5th, 2015 at 6:01 am

        We have an airport bathroom in Minnesota that Larry Craig swears by!

  2. tracey marie May 4th, 2015 at 9:36 pm

    pedophilia is NOT homosexuality.

    • whatthe46 May 4th, 2015 at 9:42 pm

      but stupid is the rwnj fake a&& “christians.”

    • Dwendt44 May 4th, 2015 at 9:42 pm

      Facts don’t matter to these nut cases.

      • tracey marie May 4th, 2015 at 9:44 pm


      • PattyJM May 5th, 2015 at 7:06 pm

        Fear is these folks’ main weapon. If there is a boogieman ready to persecute Christians then the contributions will keep coming in.

    • allison1050 May 4th, 2015 at 10:31 pm

      It just shows how ignorant they are but for the select few ALL the way to the bank.

    • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 2:50 am

      Yes unfortunately they are intertwined. The numerous victims would atest to this.

  3. Dwendt44 May 4th, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    Sounds like senility is setting in.

  4. pignose4.0 May 4th, 2015 at 9:51 pm

    Religious nuts like this ass hat are the ones who are always getting caught raping kids.

    • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 2:48 am

      If so most of the time it’s a homosexual male pedophile… ass hat!

      • whatthe46 May 15th, 2015 at 1:38 am

        NOT!!!!!!! lol

  5. rhzszm May 4th, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    Michael Swift Gay Agenda

    Kids are impressionable and the homosexual community preys on them.

  6. JMax May 4th, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    Dobson wishes.

    • allison1050 May 4th, 2015 at 10:29 pm

      He just might be talking about something from his dreams about doing. Protect your grandchildren from them!

      • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 2:47 am

        Well I was molested by a 52 year old man when I was a teen. I was so freaked out I froze. Worst 8 hours of my entire life. A different relative, my uncle, tried to molest my brother and 2 cousins. This is not isolated. But, nothing ever happens to the adult male homosexual prediter, which many are. I’m tired of this being thrown under the rug. How many children must suffer because we are afraid of being slandered.

        • allison1050 May 14th, 2015 at 7:59 am

          Far too many children but I find that those extreme nuts on the right have more than their share of homosexuality, cheating on spouses and let’s not leave out molestation of children. They spend too much time thinking of ways to control what goes on between consenting adults and what a woman does with her body…Family Values? Nope Christian? Nope Spending too much time wanting to control the uncontrollable between consenting adults? Yes

          • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 11:16 am

            This is about mainstreaming homosexuality. This is not about James Dobson’s personal life. What do any of you actually know of it. A year after my experience I told a family member and nothing was ever done. My homosexual perps continued his high level Chevron executive job without a blemish. One after another two of his live in homosexual lovers died of aids and then he died of aids. When I was a few years older I went back to my uncles get away on the river and it hit me. There were about 5 or 6 of us strapping 18 to 22 year olds who had grown up summers there being attended to by two homosexual men in their late 50s. Ha that’s safe. Everyone lives in denial. No one wants to call anyone out. Sexual acts between consenting adults is their business. Predictors 10-40 years older than mere children, indoctrinating them into homosexual manhood is swept into the gay movement like its education. It is criminal, it is rampant and it has to stop

          • allison1050 May 14th, 2015 at 12:03 pm

            As much as you Michael. How does one “mainstream homosexuality”? I don’t know how much you get out or how much you read but today you can go to RawStory and read a very interesting article of people like Dobson. Go to the website and I’ll check in for a response after you’ve read it. Thanks

          • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 4:07 pm

            The article is way too long, redundant, inflammatory and in the end has little to do with Dobson. Yes, these folks are indeed concerned. Do they have a right to be? Here are a few headlines. “Canadian Supreme Court Rules Biblical Speech Opposing Homosexual Behavior is a ‘Hate Crime'”.

          • whatthe46 May 15th, 2015 at 1:37 am

            why are you so hateful? why are you sooooo adamant? straight people give birth to homosexuals/gays/lesbians/trans, etc.. do you not perceive them as human beings? do you not perceive them as a child of GOD? you say, GOD makes no mistakes. then who in the HELL are you to defy him? do you disagree with him in his creation? i am actually more concerned with someone like you that’s a “child rapist” because you protest tooooo much. just like the “fathers” of the catholic church, who will denounce the LGBT community and will rape a liitle kid. “protest tooooo much.”

          • michaelcdickson May 20th, 2015 at 2:27 pm

            Is it hateful to protect children? 50% to 70% of pedophiles are heterosexual while 50% to 30% of pedophiles are homosexual. The average heterosexual pedophile has 20 victims while the average homosexual pedophile has 150 victims. It is all grotesque. However, a gross lack of self control is rampant in the homosexual community. Example, a close friend was offered $500 by a guy who wanted to give him a BJ. He had a few conversations with him and that was enough of a foundation for sexual action. Look, I’m open minded enough to live and let live when it comes to 18 and above. The problemo is that this anything goes culture fosters no limits which encourages pushing the adult child sexual encounter.

          • Wee Mousie May 15th, 2015 at 8:41 pm

            First you claimed that men and women were designed by nature to copulate, but then the post devolved into derogatory remarks about how gays show affection.

            Next, you’re sneering about “depositing seamen (sic) in the colon” and wondering where that appears on some unnamed spectrum.

            Then you mention predator priests and little boys, concluding with the statement “but we’re not allowed to report it that way.” Which flies in the face of thousands of newspaper headlines, some of which were probably where you became aware of that situation.

            Then, suddenly, you are trying on a story of how you were personally abused by a a 52 year old man, claiming your situation is not rare, but of course, we must take that on faith, along with your story; followed by a long inflammatory digression expressing your disgust and opposition to the gay lifestyle, its agenda, and not to forget, think of the children[TM].

            Another episode of your encounter with a the 52 year old man follows, whom you now claim died of aids, and his two “monogamous” lovers, too. Funny, you made no mention of ever being tested or treated for AIDS yourself, just an admonition for other posters to keep their “pie hole shut” until they have examined the facts of your alleged and completely unsubstantiated story

            Then you added two cousins and an uncle who tried to molest them. Funny, you forgot to mention if your uncle was a homosexual. An oversight, I suppose.

            You follow that post with one about “mainstreaming homosexuality,” claiming that your molester with the two lovers (all who died of aids, and yet, you obviously haven’t) worked for Chevron. Muse over trips with your (supposedly) gay uncle and your aids-raddled molester, who took you for getaways on the river. Ending with them indoctrinating you and your friends into “homosexual manhood.” Now, the current science says that doesn’t work, and judging by your rants, I would say that science is right on the money — or is that self-loathing?

            All of this thread was full of melodrama and bathos, and possibly even interesting, if one has a taste for Internet confessions, but says precious little to the point about what that old nutter James Dobson claims about homosexuals wanting to change the laws of protection for minors.

            That’s kind of difficult to argue with anyway, since Dobson’s claim is about something for which there is no proof. Which, if real, is going on only in the minds of a group who make up 4% of the population. But then, that is how an old Religulous hater and grifter like James Dobson earns his Crème brûlée without dirtying his hands or breaking into a sweat.

  7. allison1050 May 4th, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Right wingers are driven to fear their own shadows actually.

  8. Wee Mousie May 4th, 2015 at 11:47 pm

    It is possible that an individual homosexual is also a pedophile, but it is equally as possible that an attention seeking evangelical leader is also a Christian.

    In either case, it could happen, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on it.

    • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 2:37 am

      What’s even weirder is that women and men were designed by nature to copulate and yet some men would rather stick their penis in another mans external anal orifice. Go figure. Should we say that two men that do do that, oops, and want to stay together a long time (statistically 1% of homosexual men) should be accepted like they were a dude and a lady? Bahahaha. Why would you, because they’re not. Just let ’em alone to do their freaky thing. Peace!

      • Wee Mousie May 14th, 2015 at 3:56 pm

        Nature didn’t design men and women to do anything, but in order to survive, our species evolved its own method of procreating. However, there is a vast array of human conditions between brilliant and challenged, masculine and feminine, heterosexual only and homosexual only, pedophile to gerontophile, and abusive to respectful.

        Also, there are many ways for the differing types of humans to express their love, one for the other, outside of the normal vanilla position and pairings.

        Making crude remarks about how other human beings with different passions express love to each other is the a sign of the immature, the unsophisticated, the bigoted, and the ignorant.

        • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 10:14 pm

          Spoken like a true defender of nothing. There are absolutes. Depositing seamen in the colon is exactly where on the spectrum. As we all pontificate on how noble and sophisticated we are…..young boys are preyed upon by this culture who will sacrifice them to homosexual predictors so no one is offended.

          • arc99 May 14th, 2015 at 10:42 pm

            Spoken like a true defender of paranoid delusional lying BS.

            No one is advocating enabling the victimization of children by gay or straight people

            Quite telling how you anti-gay folks have to lie in order to even begin to make an argument.

          • michaelcdickson May 15th, 2015 at 1:14 am

            i was molested by a 52 year old homosexual man in a “monogamous” relationship with another man. My situation is not rare. Homosexuality is about excess. You and I know that…unless your head is in the sand. Only 1% of homosexuals SAY they are monogamous. Many have hundreds of sexual partners some have thousands. As many as half of the sexual partners they have only just met and will never see again. It is a lifestyle which breeds predatory behavior to quench a lust. Thousands of children are damaged every year because of our promotion of homosexuality is normal attitude. Many children are raped to death by homosexuals. A preponderance of destructive and deadly behavior is committed by predatory homosexual men who are hiding under the protection of the “gay agenda”. Do what you want in the privacy of your own home and I will do the same. Fact is, mainstreaming homosexuality in schools, culture and law WILL result in the unnecessary traumatization and even death of greater and greater numbers of children. This is the ugly truth that will never get out of the closet!

          • whatthe46 May 15th, 2015 at 1:27 am

            dude, stop with the crack or meth or heroin. that, and you LIE and not so well.

          • michaelcdickson May 15th, 2015 at 1:47 am

            The truth is ugly, isn’t it? I thought I was safe and I was molested by a man who died of aids. He buried two of his lovers who died of aids. I froze like a dear in headlightsf hoping he would just go away. I was traumatized…..frightened out of my mind. I laid there begging for the sun to rise and break thru his tin foiled windows. The next morning he said “Let’s just forget about what happened last night”. I said “What happened?”, like I slept thru the whole ordeal!!!! I was a kid…….what the F do I say? Yes, there is an ugly underbelly that people do not want to address and mainly boys will suffer. If you have not been thru this keep your pie hole shut until you examine the facts!

          • Wee Mousie May 15th, 2015 at 6:52 pm

            “Stereotypes of sexual predators can be misleading.” – Psychiatry Today:

            “Only 10 percent of the child sexual abusers report that they molest a child who is a stranger” – Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute

            “The ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1″. – National Center for Biotechnology Information

            ‘Child molesters exist in every part of our society. They molest children close to them, mainly children in their family or children in their social circle. Most child molesters, 90 percent, report that they know their child victims very well”. – Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute

            No matter what your personal experience — assuming it is true — it represents only 10% of the cases reported, You are not only pandering in stereotypes, but in outdated, erroneous stereotypes.

          • michaelcdickson May 17th, 2015 at 7:50 pm

            What you describe has been my experience. We were going to Disneyland the next day so we stayed at a friends families house near Aneheim. I knew him and he molested me. Now of course my brother and cousins new our uncle. He attempted to molest my brother and molested my cousins and attempted repeatedly. My girl cousins were molested by their step dad. A 17 year old guy I was aquainted with molested his 5 year old neighbor boy. My contention is that without constraints men are pigs. In this current hysteria over aberrant behavior “rights”, men are being empowered to do what they say is natural and inborn to them.

            The guardian has a great article titled “Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light”. I believe they handled this objectively. The point is that you can hear the professional voices advocating for “age integrated sex” with children. The trajectory we’re on shows that this is our future. Welcome to Greece 2025.

            Bottom line for me is that I’ve witnessed our culture bowing to the insatiable sexual desires of a male culture, both heterosexual and homosexual. Thru education and celebrity practice and endorsement we appear to be training our children, girls and boys and women to willingly give themselves over to men for THEIR own wholesome sexual development. What men used to have to resist or express undying devotion to receive they now expect as a right.

          • Wee Mousie May 17th, 2015 at 11:19 pm

            The problem with professing information deduced through empirical knowledge, on the personal habits of an entire class of people, is that it leads one into making the grossest of errors.

            The person you claim molested you as a child was homosexual (you claim) therefor, all child molesters must be homosexual. That is the import of your repeated offering ot the story of your childhood molestation.

            As I posted upstream: “The ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1”. – National Center for Biotechnology Information

            To which you responded: “What you describe has been my experience.” And yet, you continue with your homosexual child molester stories. To what purpose?

            Let me repeat, once more and then I am finished, a person who is a homosexual and one who is a pedophile are usually two different people — eleven times out of twelve, according to the .National Center for Biotechnology Information.

            I trust information from that source more than your empirical knowledge, and would rather believe a prediction found in a Chinese fortune cookie than any “facts” broadcast by James Dobson.

          • michaelcdickson May 18th, 2015 at 3:17 am

            Heterosexual pedophile to homosexual pedophile 11:1. Victims per heterosexual pedophile (nonincestuous) to homosexual pedophile (nonincestuous) 20:150 VICTIMS!!!! “Sex and Sexuality: Sexual deviation and sexual offense”. page 87. Isn’t that alarming?! Do you care?! You appear to be a sycophant pandering to the gaystopo talking points. Your spin does not change the fact that homosexual pedophiles victimize an alarmingly higher number of children. The Justice department has made the determination that when young boys are pressed about being molested by a man only 1 out of 100 will admit it! Therefore this predatory behavior is wildly underreported. No one in the gaystopo wants to address this because gay people are NOT born! They are often created by trauma! Youtube Ryan Sorba undercover video of gays admitting they are not born that way. Even though they are “happy” or proud to be “gay”, they admit that, in their case, being raped as a boy drew them to same sex attraction. If you read the guardian article you would have seen that not only is the North American Man Boy Love Association promoting “intergenerational love/sex” but that there are many academics who essentially agree by suggesting that their studies indicate pedophiles or child attracted adults are born that way. The blood is on your hands coward..

          • Wee Mousie May 18th, 2015 at 9:26 pm

            That’s always the way with trolls. When the facts support your position, argue the facts. When public sentiment supports your position, argue public sentiment. When neither supports your argument, kick over the table and throw a temper tantrum.

            Obviously, if homosexual molestation of young children is under reported (why is it always 50% or 100%, not 63%?) then one must assume that heterosexual molestation is equally under reported.

            Finally, .any poster who includes both Ryan Sorba and “The Man-Boy Love Association” in any post in the hopes of proving anything other than there are a lot of nuts on the internet,is not going to be taken seriously.

          • michaelcdickson May 19th, 2015 at 1:09 pm

            Do you even read or ponder or is your mouth connected to your tibia and all that is necessary is to tap your patellar tendon and you vomit up nonsense. Did you read the guardian article?

          • Wee Mousie May 15th, 2015 at 8:26 pm

            First you claimed that men and women were designed by nature to copulate, but then the post devolved into derogatory remarks about how gays show affection.

            Next, you’re sneering about “depositing seamen (sic) in the colon” and wondering where that appears on some unnamed spectrum.

            Then you mention predator priests and little boys, concluding with the statement “but we’re not allowed to report it that way.” Which flies in the faces of thousands of newspaper headlines, some of which were probably where you became aware of that situation.

            Then, suddenly, you are trying on a story of how you were personally abused by a a 52 year old man, claiming your situation is not rare, but of course, we must take that on faith, along with your story; followed by a long inflammatory digression expressing your disgust and opposition to the gay lifestyle, its agenda, and not to forget, think of the children[TM].

            Another episode of your encounter with a the 52 year old man follows, whom you now claim died of aids, and his two “monogamous” lovers, too. Funny, you made no mention of ever being tested or treated for AIDS yourself, just an admonition for other posters to keep their “pie hole shut” until they have examined the facts of your alleged and completely unsubstantiated story

            Then you added two cousins and an uncle who tried to molest them. Funny, you forgot to mention if your uncle was a homosexual. An oversight, I suppose.

            You follow that post with one about “mainstreaming homosexuality,” claiming that your molester with the two lovers (all who died of aids, and yet, you obviously haven’t) worked for Chevron. Muse over trips with your (supposedly) gay uncle and your aids-raddled molester, who took you for getaways on the river. Ending with them indoctrinating you and your friends into “homosexual manhood.” Now, the current science says that doesn’t work, and judging by your rants, I would say that science is right on the money — or is that self-loathing?

            All of this was full of melodrama and bathos, and possibly even interesting, if one has a taste for Internet confessions, but says precious little to the point about what that old nutter James Dobson claims about homosexuals wanting to change the laws of protection for minors.

            That’s kind of difficult to argue anyway, since Dobson’s claim is about something for which there are no proofs. Which is going on in the minds of a group who make up 4% of the population. But then, that is how an old Religulous hater and grifter like James Dobson earns his Crème brûlée without dirtying his hands or breaking into a sweat.

          • michaelcdickson May 17th, 2015 at 8:09 pm

            I couldn’t work my way to your other post so I will comment here. I have my views. You have your views. There are so called professionals on both sides of this. Will my views be tolerated in the future? If I express my views to my children or in public will I be risking a hate crime infraction? If our future is like England or Canada I will. BTW, in the real world there are consequences to promoting aberrant behavior. In certain area restaurants and gyms I’ve frequented I am denied easy access to the bathroom to wash up or use the toilet because homosexual men use them for hook up locations and therefore you musk ask for the keys. Again, 1% monogamy 99% deviant excessive sexual impulsive behavior that I’m certain we wish all of society would feel the freedom to express. I’m sorry you’re a masogonistic bigoted hater, quoting tainted gay industry talking points.

          • Wee Mousie May 17th, 2015 at 11:34 pm

            Luckily, Michael, for the most part, our society still runs on facts gained through scientifically sound methods. Don’t worry, you and your prenatally-deluded children will remain free to conflate homosexuality, pedophilia, transvestism and plain old-fashioned limp-wristedness; the Constitution guarantees you that freedom of speech, just as it guarantees the rest of society the right to make jokes and laugh at your obtuseness.


          • michaelcdickson May 18th, 2015 at 3:37 am

            BTW, our society does NOT run on facts. It runs on polling data or consensus persuaded by propaganda masquerading as news and education. If you think otherwise you are a fool. I’m sorry that my personal experience only consists of a dry skinned whiskery face brushing back and forth against my face at 1 am, one hand groping and the other with his fingertips circling my aerola, asking me if I wanted to c@m. His breathing laboring as he got on top of me. I was freaking out in my head. What in the F was happening!!!! It has been over 35 years and it still haunts me! I get so pissed at myself! I should have cried out for help!!!! I should have hit him. I should have done something, but I did nothing but pretend to be drowsy. This “respectable” man was a G@d damn Fing monster!!!!!! He never paid for his crime, not even a scintilla of humiliation. With that said, I have gay friends. One has been with his mate for IDK 15 years. They are the exception. I wish them the best. One only talks about gay this and gay that so I don’t care to spend the time. Yes, I will do my best to protect my children from the horror of molestation because it is likely going to come from a man that they know empowered by the movement strengthened by you. Sleep well Little Mouse.

          • Wee Mousie May 18th, 2015 at 10:19 pm

            Politicians run on
            polling data or consensus, and even then the data is only as good as the science behind the polling by which a consensuses is obtained. Or have you forgotten Karl Rove’s embarrassing on-air election night melt down, when the vote didn’t go to the candidate his “polling” had predicted?

            Intelligent people rely on facts like those found in a family budget, a doctor’s professional advice based on his education and any tests he may have conducted, or a child’s schoolreport card. Businesses, also, do product surveys to see whether a
            need exists, or can be created, for a new product they wish to
            introduce, They survey people demographically to determine who will buy the product, then test several marketing schemes in small markets to see which is most successful at moving product.

            I am sorry if you really have been molested as a child, however, a political site is not the place to be sharing it in any great detail. There are forums where you would be welcomed by other adult survivors of child molestation. They would be more attentive to your reminiscences, while also possessing a keen nose for uncovering prevaricators, and the insincere. If what you claim is truly your situation. I urge you to avail yourself of their facilities. If this is all an attempt to bluster and outlast someone with an opposing point of view, I urge you to seek professional help.

            Whatever the case, the sheer length of this exchange proves that we will never share each others point of view. You are blinded by your “experience” and I prefer to base my political or sociological theories upon facts.

          • michaelcdickson May 19th, 2015 at 1:06 pm

            The world runs on polling data…..not to determine what truth is, but to determine what people think. Hitler mastered this concept. The change agents of the “gay” movement have done their work well. Read their own material. I often read people I completely disagree with. All people have an agenda. The agenda of the power brokers on the left and right is not to resurrect or pioneer truth, but to be in control of the society they are erecting on their “truth”. Generally speaking, psychiatry used to consider male to female sexual relations as the standard. The pinnacle of that was a monogamous committed relationship between a man and a woman, where among other things the free expression of sexuality would not be hindered by many insecurities. Anything which deviated was a perversion or a fetish, thus the term “pervert”. Over time truth has not changed but the purveyors of information have controlled the discussion. Much like you’re attempting to do Mouser. Now an incredible number of aberrant, controllable, behaviors are either conditions out of one’s control or should be recognized as innate and equal. This is rubbish.
            The future indicates that people like me, much to your delight Mousish, will be in jail, have my children taken from me or threatened with loss of property because we disagree. From my personal experience, observation and deduction I can see that every step away from the natural is a step toward destructive deviancy. I’m not saying that anyone who enjoys some sexual deviant thrill is a pedophile. I’m not calling for everyone with a vibrator to be shot at dawn. What I am saying is that there is a path to pedophilia. Every pedophile began to take steps away from the sexual norm. Sometimes they were seduced by images and sometimes they were shoved into it by a pedophilic pied piper playing the tune of generational sexual acceptance. Sometimes it is as simple as overexposure to sex and sexuality from a very young age, much as they systematically do in the government institutions.
            In any case, it is a recipe for abuse and recruitment to foster an environment where children are sexualized from a very, very early age. On top of that you demonize anyone who would suggest that there is a fundamental superiority to a committed male female marriage. Demonize anyone hinting that older homosexuals prey on children disproportionately to heterosexuals. Disallow any discussion with rants on “homophobia” and “bigotry”, quoting the latest sloppy, libelous, tainted, unrepeatable gay proof or homophobia story. Truth no longer matters. The brave new world of information controlled consensus is our new deity. Currently, those who hold these reins do not care that children, girls and women will suffer tremendously. My personal account is a true account. Mine is not rare.
            20 victims per heterosexual pedophile is absolutely awful. One is horrific enough! How do you wrap your mind around 150 individual victims per homosexual pedophile? That is an astounding feat of depravity! I ask for caution and safety and you ask for…..tolerance under the heal of a boot? Who are you aiding?

          • tracey marie May 14th, 2015 at 10:53 pm

            how do seamen fit in a colon? Priests and teabaggers prey upon little boys and girls and then lie

          • michaelcdickson May 15th, 2015 at 12:57 am

            The priests preying on little boys are homosexuals but we’re not allowed to report it that way. Thanks for making my point.

  9. Warman1138 May 5th, 2015 at 5:35 am

    Dobbie has uncovered a vast conspiracy and has saved us all. Time for a brain reboot.

    • bpollen May 5th, 2015 at 6:00 am

      The plan was probably leaked to him by a Log Cabin Republican… They know the secret handshake and so are privy to the Gay Agenda Supreme Council minutes.

  10. illinoisboy1977 May 5th, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    Let’s think about this, logically. Homosexual encounters are between two consenting adults. They’re both mature enough to make a conscious decision about what is going to make them happy and they act on it. Pedophilic encounters are between a mature and informed adult and an innocent, impressionable child, who doesn’t have the emotional maturity to consent to such an encounter. Homosexuality is not harmful to either party. Pedophilia is an extremely harmful and monstrous practice. In every pedophilic encounter, a victim is made. This is where Dobson’s argument falls apart. No act, which invariably generates victims, will ever be legalized.

    • michaelcdickson May 14th, 2015 at 2:31 am

      Lower the age of consent to 14 as in France. Now what was once pedophillia will be the opportunity for education so young people can be open to loving sexual relationships with older men. Done. It is not so far fetched…..ask the North American Man Boy Love Association.

      • illinoisboy1977 May 14th, 2015 at 10:08 am

        I can’t begin to describe how disgusting that is, to me. A 14-year-old is a CHILD and not emotionally capable of consenting to sexual relations with an adult. Any grown man who has intimate relations with a 14-year-old is a child molester, regardless of what French law says.

  11. Chris May 5th, 2015 at 10:20 pm

    Dobson is only following a well-worn pattern by hypocrites:

    If you can’t win an argument based on facts, just make crap up.

  12. Gadea May 15th, 2015 at 2:13 am

    It’s only a matter of time, before there is a prenatal diagnostic test for the Gay Gene.

    There will be hurdles to overcome,
    but just like there are prenatal testing for other conditions,
    there will be one to test for gayness.

    Once that happens, it will be up to the parents.

    If Abortion is still widely available in the U.S.,
    some parents may opt to terminate the pregnancy if
    the fetus test positive for the gay gene.

    Other parents will be delighted and warmly welcome the child.

    I think that homosexuals should have the same rights and privileges as any other citizen.

    • michaelcdickson May 18th, 2015 at 3:44 am

      There is no gay gene. The debunked studies that even suggested that have not been repeated because it is not valid. If there were a gay gene it would be weeded out because gays generally don’t reproduce. BTW homosexuals do have the same rights. What they want is rights that we don’t have either.

      • Gadea May 18th, 2015 at 4:46 pm

        There isn’t now. But they are working on it.
        And just like they have come up a host of pre natal test that were not even though possible just a few years ago, they very well might come up with a Gay gene test. It could happen.

        • michaelcdickson May 19th, 2015 at 11:47 am

          Yes, someone might try to create a gay gene, however a gay gene does not exist. We are all responsible for our behavior no matter how many doctors of all stripes want to make everything a DMS billing code so they can get paid big money to get involved.

          • Gadea May 19th, 2015 at 4:26 pm

            They are trying really hard, chances are they will succeed.

      • OldLefty May 20th, 2015 at 2:50 pm

        There is no heterosexual gene either.

        As for; If there were a gay gene it would be weeded out because gays generally don’t reproduce…

        No, it would not anymore than hemophilia died out when those who had the phenotype did not live to reproductive age.
        It is recessive.

        And homosexuals do NOT want special rights.

        They only want the same rights.

        • michaelcdickson May 20th, 2015 at 3:49 pm

          Name them.

          • OldLefty May 20th, 2015 at 3:51 pm

            Name whom???

          • michaelcdickson May 20th, 2015 at 4:07 pm

            Name them! Name the rights, old leftist.

          • OldLefty May 20th, 2015 at 4:20 pm

            Marriage equality, rightist.

          • michaelcdickson May 20th, 2015 at 6:22 pm

            I did not pen your name lefty. So define “marriage equality”. I guess that requires you to define marriage so there is a basis of understanding. What is marriage?

          • OldLefty May 20th, 2015 at 6:31 pm

            The name is “Lefty”, not “leftist”.
            Marriage is simply a contract between two consenting adults that is validated or dissolved by the state.

          • michaelcdickson May 22nd, 2015 at 1:46 am

            So the “state” confers a contract of “marriage” which is simply two adults who consent to contract. Is that right? You haven’t explained what marriage is. It can’t be that two people consent to a contract. If that’s the case then I’ve been married hundred of times. Also, if the “state” is the validating or dissolving party, wouldn’t that make them a controlling third party in the contract between two people? Is that what you want?

          • OldLefty May 22nd, 2015 at 6:35 am

            So the “state” confers a contract of “marriage” which is simply two adults who consent to contract. Is that right? You haven’t explained what marriage is.


            Marriage is the voluntary union of two persons as spouses, to the exclusion of all others.

            Also, if the “state” is the validating or dissolving party, wouldn’t that make them a controlling third party in the contract between two people? Is that what you want?


            That’s a non sequitur. Only the state confers the legality that grants the benefits that come with marriage AND the legal status of divorce.

            The church can declare you “married ” without a license, but you can not file jointly or inherit, nor can they divide property or grant legal custody.
            Only the state can.

          • michaelcdickson May 22nd, 2015 at 2:21 pm

            “Voluntary Union”, that sounds like a good way to solve this homosexual marriage debate….don’t you think? We’ll have “Marriage” and “Voluntary Union”. That way you won’t have hundreds of thousands of paper divorces due to people freely choosing to disassociation from a term “Marriage” which would have lost all sense of meaning for them.
            You still haven’t defined marriage sufficiently. What does “spouses, to the exclusion of all others.” mean? If you are suggesting sexual fidelity…….that’s not working out well in the homosexual community at all! 1% fidelity at best. This sounds like a great scheme for divorce attorneys.
            You’ve pointed out the sadness of a system that requires a “license” to marry in order to have standing. Rights are inherent. Privileges are licensed. Isn’t this really what this is about…..controlling people……controlling debate……limiting freedom…..being intolerant in the name of tolerance?
            This nice conversation still does not change the truth contained in the articles title. There are vocal advocates in the “gay movement” that want to lower the age of consent in order to facilitate decriminalization and normalization of what we now consider pedophilia.

          • OldLefty May 22nd, 2015 at 3:00 pm

            [We’ll have “Marriage” and “Voluntary Union”.]



            [That way you won’t have hundreds of thousands of paper divorces due to people freely choosing to disassociation from a term “Marriage” which would have lost all sense of meaning for them.]


            Then it never mean much to them to begin with.

            They must be pretty insecure with weak marriages.

            I have been married one time, for 33 years. My marriage means the same to me if two men or two women who love each other get married.

            [ What does “spouses, to the exclusion of all others.]


            It means the same for two people of the same sex as it does for those of opposite sexes.

            Many, in in homosexual community experience fidelity when in committed marriages, while sexual fidelity ain’t doing so well in the strait community, either.

            [You’ve pointed out the sadness of a system that requires a “license” to marry in order to have standing.]


            I don’t think it’s sad at all.

            There will always be a need to settle legal disputes.

            [Isn’t this really what this is about…..controlling people……controlling debate……limiting freedom…..being intolerant in the name of tolerance?]


            [ still does not change the truth contained in the articles title.]


            There is no truth in this guys premise.

            He is and has always been a grifter.

            Have there ALWAYS been people who want to lower the age of consent?

            Of course. (Lokk at the number of strait men who want to lower the age of sexual consent for girls)

            Nobody listens to them.

        • michaelcdickson May 22nd, 2015 at 1:58 am

          BTW, essentially there is a heterosexual gene. The sex chromosomes that men have are YX where women have XX. The chromosomes are made up of genes. There is no more a homosexual gene than there is a ménage a trois gene or a polygamy gene. Sorry, they are all choices.

          • OldLefty May 22nd, 2015 at 6:20 am

            Don’t be silly.

            The gene for Factor 8 is carried on the X chromosome, as well as hundreds of genes responsible for the transcription of hundreds from those which congenital cardiomyopathy to baldness to prostate cancer.

            There are few genes on the Y chromosome, and lots of what they call junk DNA. (does not code for any protein).
            Nothing would constitute a “heterosexual gene”.

          • michaelcdickson May 22nd, 2015 at 1:59 pm

            I’m sorry you have hemophilia. You are making my point. There is no “gay” gene. It is nonsensical. A baby clearly has male sex organs and develops male characteristics or a baby has female sex organs and develops female characteristics. What you are mentioning are mutations. Whether germline mutations or somatic mutations, they are all negative. There is no new improvement. Mutation may eventually lead the genetic code to nonsense.

          • OldLefty May 22nd, 2015 at 2:14 pm

            Why would you think I have hemophilia?? Hemophilia is simply a clear example of a recessive gene that is transmitted from generation to generation regardless of the parents who carry the double recessive, (and thus phenotype ) not reproducing.

            What in the world do sex organs have to do with anything???

            Nobody is making your point, least not you;

            Are you claiming that there is a specific “heterosexual” protein that is is coded for by DNA?
            If so, then you must conclude that there would be instances of altered nucleotide sequences (like hemophilia), or recombination that would result in “different” proteins, (like with hair or eye color).

            And while I never said there was a gay gene, anymore than there is a heterosexual gene, YOU seem to be making the point yourself without realizing it.

          • michaelcdickson May 22nd, 2015 at 2:41 pm

            LMAO. I say there is no “gay gene” in response to Gadea and you pipe in with “there’s no straight gene either”. There doesn’t need to be a straight gene per se, because the XY chromosomes take care of that clearly.

            OldLefty: “What in the world do sex organs have to do with anything???”
            This seems to be your problem. Thank you for clarifying my point so precisely. I say that the sexual characteristics and sex organs determine if you are “male” or “female”. You want to believe with all the fervency of a devout Baptist pastor that, in the face of something so anatomically and biologically to the contrary, there must be some kind of recessive genetic trait which ultimately determines our gender and sexual makeup.
            Hemophilia is a negative genetic trait. It is destructive and not constructive. It is a mutation which is passed on. Did I stammer?

          • OldLefty May 22nd, 2015 at 3:10 pm

            [ There doesn’t need to be a straight gene per se, because the XY chromosomes take care of that clearly.]


            The X and Y chromosomes have nothing to do with it.

            Do you know how genes work??

            As for; [Hemophilia is a negative genetic trait. It is destructive and not constructive. It is a mutation which is passed on.]

            And blonde hair and blue eyes are genetic mutations as well.

            Anatomy and behavior are very different things.

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