May 28, 2015 7:00 pm -


What’s called ‘Constitutional Carry’ in Texas was a sure thing to pass but because of the idiot amendment slipped in at the last minute forbidding police from requesting to see a gun owner’s license if they are open carrying a firearm, police chiefs are urging Gov. Greg Abbott to veto the legislation. Police chiefs fear would…


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

22 responses to Open Carry Leader Wants Lawmakers Against Open Carry Executed

  1. Chris May 28th, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    If I owned a business in Texas, I’d give a lot of serious thought to relocating out of state just about now.

    • DKH May 30th, 2015 at 9:06 am

      You’re loss. It’s a great state, and had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation, during the horrible recession… Guess you’re not much a business person if you’d leave a state where good, law abiding citizens couldn’t work for you…. Earn income.. pay taxes…

      • Chris May 30th, 2015 at 1:00 pm

        Yeah. And they must have excellent education standards if you’re spelling “your” as “you’re.”

        Dummy. You’ve also conveniently ignored how many poor people you have in Texas. Read and get eddicated (sic), Bubba:

        • DKH May 30th, 2015 at 2:49 pm

          Oh look, we have an English major on line, and of course, that means you’re a “Know it all”… Kind of a typical lib…. You know what’s best for everyone, about everything.. Ever live in Texas? Know anyone here? I gather no on both counts, which disqualifies your “ignorant” opinion…. Finally, If you have to resort to spell check as a defense, you might as well back it up. You’ve already lost. (Oh, and not the proper use of you’re and your)…. Are you smart enough to tell the difference between intelligence and typographical errors? Doubtful… Dummy….

          • Chris May 30th, 2015 at 7:16 pm

            You’re (notice correct spelling?) wrong on ALL counts, dummy. (How did you manage that?)

            Error #1: I have a BSME and DDS degrees with a year of post-grad. Bad of you to jump to your first, wrong conclusion, dummy.

            Error #2: My wife is from Houston, and I visited her quite often both before we wed and while her folks were still there. BTW, you don’t have to live someplace to have a valid opinion about it. Wrong guess again, dummy.

            Error #3: It is always the cons who get upset when their atrocious spelling is corrected. Their sloppy spelling is parallel with their sloppy reasoning (which I previously pointed out to you.) Those who are careful with grammar are usually likewise with their reasoning. Dummy.

            You have shown no intelligence, good judgment or spelling ability. What a trifecta. Dummy.

          • allison1050 May 30th, 2015 at 7:39 pm

            smiles ;o)

          • DKH May 30th, 2015 at 11:40 pm

            Wow, you’re wife is from Houston, so that makes you an expert on Texas. Once again, arrogance from a lib… Your clueless, and have diverted from the topic, because you have no facts to back your original assertions. Dummy

            Intelligence… BSEE, MBA… I have proof.
            Good Judgement. I live in Texas, and love it. Enough said!
            Spelling… Well, you got me there…. Dummy…

            Go back to cleaning teeth, and provide an opinion on you field of expertise… Dummy….

          • Chris May 31st, 2015 at 7:46 am

            Welcome to “Moving the Goalposts with DKH”! Reminding you: you said, “Know anyone here (in Texas)? I gather no on both counts, which disqualifies your ‘ignorant’ opinion”. You were proven wrong on this, which moves you to say, “Wow, you’re (sic) wife is from Houston, so that makes you an expert on Texas.” Nice shift there, DKH.

            And it’s “arrogance” to point out your mistakes, huh? OK… And I did not “divert from the topic”. Dummy.

            Your having BSEE and MBA degrees do not prove your intelligence. Dummy.

            Now, your project for today is to find four misspellings in your relatively short post. If I wrote like you and was employed by someone else, I’d be embarrassed by having my reports returned for correction. You obviously envy English majors their writing ability and would be wise to pursue this degree. Dummy.

          • DKH May 31st, 2015 at 7:55 am

            Come up with some original material and thought… All you’re doing is parroting…

          • Chris May 31st, 2015 at 10:27 am

            Say goodnight, DKH. You’re just channeling your inner Bill O’Reilly in that I’ve shot down every one of your little beefs, and you still come back for more. Kinda like this guy:


            Bye, bye, dummy.

  2. arc99 May 28th, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    If this Watkins character were shot and killed by someone who was determined to be legally standing their ground, I would have a glass of champagne and toast the prescience of Charles Darwin.

    And I am really not sorry at all if anyone takes offense at my comment. The world is unquestionably better off without some people being in it. Kory Watkins is one of those people.

    • fahvel May 29th, 2015 at 2:38 am

      no argument here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spray the fungus amidst you and it dies.

  3. Obewon May 28th, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    Open Carry devotees are such great examples of Christian-Carry paranoids & prolife signs!

    • Larry Schmitt May 29th, 2015 at 12:13 pm

      I wasn’t aware that casting a vote against a bill was a crime. If that’s the case, why is there a state legislature in the first place? And by the way, it’s hanged, not hung. And since there is no actual “tree of liberty” they would only be hanged metaphorically. But I’m pretty confident this a-hole doesn’t know what a metaphor is.

  4. johnnybizzoy May 29th, 2015 at 3:07 am

    Take for example, the high crime in cities like Chicago, DC, and Baltimore. Look at how very strict gun control laws tend to leave decent, law-abiding citizens defenseless, while emboldening delinquents to run amok. Do gun-control advocates really believe that stricter and stricter laws will keep them safer and safer? Whatever happened to American society – where we sought to build a culture of investment in the individual – of valuing the individual, of trusting and placing stock in the our investments in one another as individuals? Do liberals believe that people are inherently good, or inherently evil? It’s a serious question…

    • OldLefty May 29th, 2015 at 6:11 am

      Take for example, the high crime in cities like Chicago, DC, and Baltimore.


      Chicago, DC are not even in the top ten, while Milwaukee, Birmingham, Al, Kansas City Mo, are in the top 10, and Memphis and St Louis are in the top 5.

      Whatever happened to American society – where we sought to build a culture of investment in the individual – of valuing the individual, of trusting and placing stock in the our investments in one another as individuals? Do liberals believe that people are inherently good, or inherently evil? It’s a serious question…

      It died with consolidation of conservative media, the dismantling of the middle class in the Reagan era, and the ascendence of the gun industry and the Big Corporate welfare state that puts the rights of corporations above the rights of people and made money more valuable than speech.

      • Larry Schmitt May 29th, 2015 at 12:15 pm

        That would be “betters.” (with the quotes)

      • johnnybizzoy May 30th, 2015 at 4:44 am

        Hey, look at that – the Mayors for Milwaukee, Birmingham, Memphis and St Louis are all Democrats.

        did the liberal media NOT consolidate? was it only the “conservative” media that consolidated? What do you mean by consolidate? Did the Drudge Report go corporate?

        How did the middle class fare under Jimmy Carter? Under Barack Obama?

        How did the gun industry ascend? Did you know that today, nearly 40% of all gun sales are made by government agencies? But has it really, “ascended?” What is the market share of the gun industry in America? At most, about $30 billion annually in the US. The US economy is an $18Trillion dollar economy. Do the math. Or check this out, it is a list of the top lobbying industries. Do you see the gun industry on this list?

        I agree with you that corporate personhood has been a source of societal destruction. But people own and operate corporations, and people…a lot of people anyway…have been the ones to decide they wanted money rather than one another to be happy. I personally don’t agree with that, but I also recognize that I need money to make my family healthy and safe.

        I honestly wonder if all liberals, or all conservatives can be broadly stereotyped with the same characterizations. That kind of thinking is what disgusts me about rabid partisan politics – it encourages the dehumanization of one another over sound bytes and talking points. Both parties are corporate whores, both parties sow death and destruction around the world, both parties lie to the American people and ignore their duties to govern us justly. That is just the way I see it.

        • OldLefty May 31st, 2015 at 1:14 pm

          [Hey, look at that – the Mayors for Milwaukee, Birmingham, Memphis and St Louis are all Democrats. ]


          They have to deal with the budgets from the Republican state legislators and the crowds that pour into cities.

          What’s the excuse for totally Republican dominated poverty ridden areas?

          [did the liberal media NOT consolidate?]


          What “liberal media”? Consolidation means, five corporations own EVERYTHING.

          Clear Channel owns most terrestrial radio along with concert venues.

          Viacom owns many networks, publishing firms, newspapers, etc, as opposed to many, many individual, small, local companies.

          Google everything that Comcast owns.
          The Drudge Report is just an aggregation site

          [How did the middle class fare under Jimmy Carter? Under Barack Obama? ]


          Much better

          The decline started in the late Carter administration with the implimentation of the Powell Memo.

          Obama came in after a steady decline; “Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record”
          WSJ January
          9, 2009, 12:04 PM
          Then the economy contracted 8.9% in Q4 ’08, 6.7% in Q1 ’09.

          [How did the gun industry ascend?]


          Through the NRA lobbying for fewer and fewer regulations. By ascended, I mean no lawsuits, no accountability for their products, to regulations like taggants.

          It doesn’t matter what government agencies buy. We are talking bout wackos and repeated offenders getting them and the sales at gun shows.

          The NRA are the gun lobbyists.

          I agree with you that corporate personhood has been a source of societal destruction.


          When I say, the the rights of corporations above the rights of people, I mean deregulating industry, in terms of pollution, drug and food safety, v who does what in the bedroom, or the womb.

          As for; “Both parties are corporate whores, both parties sow death and destruction..”


          I can agree with that, but only because We the People let them and are mollified by bread and circus (and we scare REAL easily).

          • johnnybizzoy May 31st, 2015 at 3:08 pm

            Attributing the worst behavior of the citizenry or the political elite to only one party is EXACTLY WHY NOTHING CHANGES. This is the two-party trap that they have set for us as regular citizens. Both parties are using propaganda, and appeals to cultural sensibilities to inculcate feelings of loyalty and belonging within the population.

            guns – it is a common liberal meme to suggest that the problems with gun crime in this country is caused by right wing whackos at gun shows, and “assault rifles,” with 30 round clips. The fact is that “assault rifles” are the least likely weapon to be used in a crime. 85% of all gun crime is committed by young black males against their own communities. The most common type of gun to be used in a crime is a handgun. If you stripped out young black males from the gun crime statistics, our country would appear by this measure to be no more violent than Belgium. So the problem, despite what media hype has caused people to believe, is young black males with handguns, and NOT white males with AR 15s they bought at a gun show. The gun lobby represents the vast law-abiding segment of the population who want to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Democrats want to focus on gun shows and sporting enthusiasts because those are not their voting base. Democrats focus on gun shows and ignore the huge problem of young black males and guns, because blacks ARE their voting base. But the real problem with guns is not old white guys at the gun-range – it is young black males on the streets of Democratically controlled cities, where law-abiding citizens are prevented from owning guns, and where young black males are trapped in a cycle of dependency on Democratic welfare institutions, and are thus prone to shoot up their own neighborhoods. The policies pushed by Democrats have absolutely, unequivocally failed black people – and their economic situation has only gotten worse under Obama.

            Media consolidation – A cultural conservative viewing any of the big three broadcast news shows, or CNN, or MSNBC, or PBS, or NPR, or the Daily Show, or any of the dozens of major publications – would say that those outlets are overflowing with “liberal” bias. Only an indoctrinated “liberal” fails to see the bias – because those shows are designed FOR THEM. We both agree that We the People have been mollified by bread and circus. My point is that propaganda that encourages people to self-identity with either major political party is also a major component of the system that has been designed to politically neuter We the People.

            The record on the middle class is several decades, generations, and Presidencies long. While some policies can help or hurt the middle class, the primary factor is that the post-WW2 middle class was created out of unique post-war circumstances, and those circumstances are no longer present. After the war, the US was the only major industrial power left standing. We were the only place in the world that had both an educated and motivated workforce, AND jobs to give them. Also, policies to foster the middle class were put in place as a matter of national security – our political elites were in a fight with Communists for the hearts and minds of the rest of the world, and as such they helped create the middle class in order to display the superiority of democracy to communism, in a way that would resonate with working people around the world. During the 50’s there were a lot of nations in Europe, and Asia, that were threatening to go communist (including Greece, France, Spain, and so on). For these reasons, the political elite in the US at the time did something that few political elites anywhere at any time usually do: they allowed the proletariat to rise and join their ranks (in some ways). However, as Communism began to fall, and as major industrial competitors became to rebuild, the US came under increasing competition, and the US middle class labor market came under increasing competition. We utilized technological advantages in the 80’s and 90’s, but by 2000, it was clear that our labor markets were out-matched by the slave-combines of China, and by the hungry desire in the hearts of folks around the world who did not have rich parents and grand-parents. And that is why Americans were thought of, and still are thought of, as, “fat and lazy.” Because we have had it so good for so long, that we are not longer hungry for 16 hour work days, and tiny studio apartments, and all that. we are accustomed to our “quality of life” and we all mortgaged our houses and maxed out our credit cards in order to keep that way of life – for a while. Then the bubble burst in 2008, and we are now continuing to avoid the real pain of economic correction, by printing money like it’s going out of style. The middle class as it was in the 50’s and 60’s is not sustainable. That size of a proportion of the population cannot control that large a chunk of overall GDP in an environment where political and economic elites hoard opportunity and access, and where the average person is bombarded daily with propaganda to make them stupid and ignorant of the real world, as well as unhealthy food, and a toxic environment designed by corporations to make a quick buck and pass the negative externalities along to the bodies and ecosystems of the people and the planet.

            Neither party is willing to talk honestly about the real problems, and neither party is willing to fess up to their roll as the gate-keepers between the people and the political elite. The political elite keep us as wage-slaves, they have cut off access to the real levers of power, and they are going to rock this economy until the wheels fall off. They do not care about OUR future – and if things get too bleak for them, they will release bio-weapons, kill us off, keep the antidote for themselves, and re-write history once again. Hillary Clinton is one of them, she doesn’t care about us, and she is not going to help us.

          • OldLefty May 31st, 2015 at 4:09 pm

            Attributing the worst behavior of the citizenry or the political elite to only one party is EXACTLY WHY NOTHING CHANGES.


            Normally, I agree, but I think one party has gone off the rails.
            These two said it well;

            John Dansforth – former Republican United States senator from Missouri and Episcopal minister;
            “BY a series of recent initiatives, Republicans have transformed our party into the political arm of conservative Christians.”

            Bruce Bartlett – policy advisor to Reagan;

            “I still consider myself to be a conservative in the tradition of Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk and William F. Buckley. I don’t think most of today’s conservatives have any idea who those people were.”

            ~ Guns; I believe the greatest problem we have now is that those who wish to kill a lot of people in a short time have easy access.

            And the gun fans rally around those irresponsible gun owners who’s small children accidently kill each other.

            I believe that if you saw young black males engaging in open carry demonstrations, you would see gun control tout de suite.

            Democrats don’t ignore young blacks OR whites…they are well aware that they can just step over the border and get what they want.

            When the gun lobby advocates for the well regulated part of the 2nd, I will listen.

            “Shoot up their own neighborhoods.”?
            Like the bikers in Waco?

            The greatest problem with young black males is the war on drugs and the school to prison pipeline, that profitizes incarceration.

            Poverty among blacks was 55 percent in 1959 and 41 percent in 1966. By 2009, the rate had fallen to 25.9 percent. For black single moms without a father present, the poverty rate fell from 70.6 percent in 1959 and 65.3 in 1966 to 39.8 percent in 2009.
            I think Democratic policies did pretty well.

            What’s the excuse for deep red Owsley
            County, Ky,where unemployment is 150 % of the national average,and everyone is cooking meth?

            ~ Media consolidation
            I say they are not liberal (the Daily Show is), they are corporate.
            The MSM goes from right of center to far right.
            ALL promoted Bush’s war, few even mentioned the pre 2000 election plan to invade Iraq, all are committed to both siderism, according to most;
            Chris Christy is refreshing, Hillary is shrill.

            Rand Paul is interesting, Hillary doesn’t have a serious opponent (While the vast majority agree with Bernie Sanders.)

            All are interested only in delivering viewers to advertisers.

            If the media are so liberal, why do they keep focusing on debt/deficit/austerity and not the arguments against austerity that all the liberal economists are making?

            Where are the pro union shows?

            Why did they fawn all over Paul Ryan while ignoring the Progressive Caucus’s People’s Budget which actually DID what Ryan claimed HIS budget did?

            ~ WW2 middle class was created out of unique post-war circumstances, and those circumstances are no longer present.


            I disagree. I think that one job of government is to keep primitive accumulation of wealth in check. The US economy today is faltering largely because its past barriers against rent-seeking are being breached.

            ~ .Neither party is willing to talk honestly about the real problems, and neither party is willing to fess up to their roll as the gate-keepers between the people and the political elite.

            Much of this is true, but I claim that is because we demand it.

            But I am not that cynical, and I believe that the world and the Courts we would have with Hillary will be better than the one we would have with a GOPer.

            But people can not just dust off their hands after the election.

  5. Suzanne McFly May 29th, 2015 at 8:21 am

    I hope a lot of Texas voters are scratching their heads thinking “what the eff did we create?”.