June 25, 2015 12:36 pm -


Political analyist Ted Nugent took to Facebook to praise retired General Paul Vallely who, months ago, called for President Obama to be arrested.

Last year, retired-general-turned-conservative-activist Paul Vallely told a Tea Party group that he would “certainly head” a revolution to topple President Obama, remarks he later denied making despite the fact that they were captured on audio. Imagine our shock, then, when Vallely told a fringe radio host last week that President Obama should be arrested for his “treasonous activities.

Vallely’s remarks even earned the praise of right-wing musician and NRA board member Ted Nugent, who wrote on Facebook: “Well listen everybody to what I gotta say, there’s hope for tomorrow if we wakeup [sic] today!”

Calling on U.S. generals to stand up to Obama, Vallely told “The Real Side” radio program that it may soon be time to “arrest” Obama for “treasonous activities.” He cited the work of the conspiracy-theory-ridden Citizens Committee on Benghazi as evidence that there are grounds to arrest Obama for purportedly helping the Muslim Brotherhood.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.