July 7, 2015 1:00 am -


Samuel Wurzelbacher, AKA Joe the Plumber has joined a union.

The wingnut welfare must have run out for the man who became famous as “Joe the Plumber.” Samuel Wurzelbacher, his real name, has had to get a job that involves something other than performing the role of the regular blue-collar white guy on the Republican speaking and media circuits—and it’s a union job at Chrysler. Wurzelbacher took to Facebook sounding a wee bit defensive:

“In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employees voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is,” he wrote.

(Not actually true. You’re required to pay a fee covering the union’s cost of representing you, but you don’t have to join the union.)

“Private unions, such as the UAW, is a choice between employees and employers. If that is what they want then who am I to say you can’t have it?” he said.

Somehow I don’t think the “who am I to say” logic has applied to most of what Wurzelbacher has said over the past five years. But for Republicans who are furrowing their brows at that last bit of convenient self-justification, never fear:

“Yes, I have a website that puts out conservative news. Yes, I am part owner of a gun company. Yes, I’m a Republican who was cast into the limelight for having the temerity to confront Barack Obama on the question of redistributing wealth… But I’m a working man and I’m working,” he wrote.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.