July 15, 2015 11:00 am -

Anomaly at FreakOutNation sums up:

Last year, D’Souza pleaded guilty to illegally shelling out $20,000 in contributions in the name of others for Republican Wendy Long’s failed 2012 bid to defeat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY).

At the time of his sentencing, D’Souza apologized, then later feigned victimization, which seems to confirm the part of the psychologist’s report of D’Souza denying problems of his own.

And now, the New York Post says:

Powerhouse defense attorney Ben Brafman was surprised when Manhattan federal court Judge Richard Berman clarified the sentence he handed down after D’Souza pleaded guilty last year, which means D’Souza will have to do over 1,600 hours more service than he initially thought.

“We’re talking about five years of eight hours a week? … This is a very serious impediment to obtaining full-time employment because you miss one day of work a week,” Brafman said in the conference inside Berman’s robing room, as D’Souza listened in silently via speakerphone.

“In my mind it was never contemplated that the eight hours only applied to the period of home confinement,” Berman said, later reading out a report from a psychologist who saw D’Souza and then ordering him to continue attending weekly sessions.

“The client tends to deny problems and isn’t very introspective,” the psychiatrist wrote. “The client tends to deny problems and is arrogant and intolerant of others’ feelings.”


D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.