August 18, 2015 3:00 pm -


The Donald has been consistently inconsistent when saying what he’d do as president.

Looking back over his interviews and speeches, it appears that Trump came into the race with only a vague idea — or perhaps no idea — how he wanted to handle some major, obvious, policy issues. So, when someone pointed out a new wrinkle that Trump hadn’t thought of, he came up with a new answer. And then another.

On some issues, Trump’s campaign has gone through more than half a dozen plans in two months. And counting.  For instance:

Donald Trump’s plan to defeat the Islamic State.

Version #1: Find a guy…

Version #2: [Secret plan]…

Version #3: No longer secret. Send in American ground troops…

“I will tell you what my plan will be…You have to go in. You have to go in.”

O’Reilly: “With ground troops?”

“Well, you bomb the hell out of them and then you encircle it, and then you go in.” (June 16, shortly after Version #2).

Version #4: Maybe don’t…

O’Reilly: “There’s no way you can defeat them without invading.”

Trump: “I disagree.” (June 16, minutes after #3)…

Version #5: Definitely do send in ground troops. Have them seize ISIS oilfields.

Version #6: Send in ground troops. Seize oilfields. Sell the oil, and give the money to the families of the soldiers who died protecting the oil…

Version #7: Send in ground troops. Seize oilfields. Sell the oil. Givesome of the money to the families of the soldiers who died protecting the oil…

Now, Donald Trump’s plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.

Version #1: Figure it out later…

Version #2: Figure it out now. Deport “the bad ones.” Work out something so the good ones can stay…

Version #3: Deport the bad ones. Maybe let some of the good ones stay…

Version #4: Deport everybody…

Version #5: Maybe don’t deport everybody…

Dana Bash, CNN: “What about the ‘Dreamers?’ What about people who came here when they were children, they didn’t know what they were doing, they came with their parents who brought them here illegally?…Should they have to leave too?

Trump: “They’re with their parents? It depends.” (July 29)

Version #6: Deport everybody, the sequel.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.