August 20, 2015 7:00 pm -


Bobby Jindal told Bill Hemmer he has no problem using the term “anchor baby”, even though he tried to weasel out of answering the question.

When Hemmer asked Jindal whether he thought the term “anchor babies” was offensive, Jindal said that what he found offensive were the Planned Parenthood videos, which allegedly show a top executive of the organization discussing selling fetal tissue.

“What I find offensive is Hillary Clinton — the left. When you look at those Planned Parenthood videos, they refuse to call them ‘babies,’ they call them ‘fetal tissue,’ they call them ‘specimens,'” Jindal said. “What’s really offensive is the left refuses to say ‘babies.’ Instead they say ‘fetal tissue,’ ‘specimens,’ they are a bunch of science deniers.”

Hemmer asked Jindal to clarify whether he would use the term “anchor babies,” and the Republican presidential hopeful said he would.

“Folks today are too easily offended. they’re too politically correct,” Jindal said. “The real issue here — yeah I’m happy to use the term — but the reality is the real issue here is we need to secure our border.”

If the 14th Amendment were to be overturned or reinterpreted, and if it were retroactive (which it would never be), Bobby Jindal would not have been a U.S. citizen. His mother came here because of benefits she would receive.

Raj was the daughter of a bank manager. She first came to America on a scholarship to study for her doctorate in nuclear physics at Louisiana State University. She brought along her husband, a love match named Amar Jindal, himself the son of a shopkeep from the bania caste, the only one of the nine children in his family to attend school past fifth grade. At the time the couple immigrated, Raj was three months pregnant with their first son, Piyush. Though the university health plan denied coverage for the birth (it was ruled a “preexisting condition”), the one-month paid maternity leave was awarded as promised — that was the perk that had tipped the scales for Amar, who’d been hesitant to leave home, having worked his way up through the ranks to the respected position of assistant professor of engineering at Punjab University in Chandigarh, the newly dedicated capital city of their home state. At the age of four, according to family lore, precocious little Piyush Jindal would announce to his teacher and all of his friends in school in Baton Rouge — a town of politics and industry on the banks of the muddy Mississippi River — that he would heretofore be known as Bobby, after his favorite character on The Brady Bunch.



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.