Conspiracy theorists revive Clinton body counts
We’ve heard for years that a number of people connected to the Clintons have been found dead (Vince Foster, anyone?). With Hillary Clinton in the spotlight, the count and conspiracies continue.
The Clinton body count and kill list were conspiracy theories back in the 90s suggesting the Clinton’s ordered the murders of anyone who was in their way. Whether it was someone who had knowledge of scandals, maybe a pregnant mistress or anyone who could get in the way of their campaigns. According to the conspiracy theories, if you got too close to the ugly Clinton truth, watch your back because you might wind up dead. The Clinton body count and kill list were names of people who conspiracy theorists believed died suspiciously. Many people on the Clinton kill list had committed suicide. There are many lists out there and the names have accumulated since the ’90s. The news that three people died in one month, who all had Clinton in common, has caused conspiracy theorists to question whether the kill list is real…
There are so many deaths that conspiracy theorists are attributing to Bill and Hillary Clinton, that the kill list and body count numbers are continually changing. Some have the list as three in one week while others have it as five or six in the past month. When you consider all the deaths surrounding the Clintons dating back to the ’90s, the list becomes incredibly long.