August 24, 2016 7:55 pm -

Trump thinks sidling up to Nigel Farage will bring him some Brexit magic.

Farage, the former leader of the right-wing UK Independence Party, is set to appear at a campaign event with Donald Trump on Wednesday night in Jackson, Mississippi.

Farage was arguably the most prominent pro-Brexit voice in Britain. Like Trump, his campaign message was based largely on anti-immigrant xenophobia that at times invoked propaganda from some of history’s most reprehensible regimes…


Farage also proved that promising disaffected voters change is one thing — actually delivering it is another. Shortly after the Brexit outcome was confirmed, Farage walked back his oft-repeated campaign vow to reallocate EU funds to Britain’s National Health Service. Asked during a TV interview to detail how he planned to follow through on his promise to allot the £350 million a week Britain was sending to the EU to the NHS, Farage said, “No I can’t, I would never have made that claim. That was one of the mistakes made by the Leave campaign.”




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.