November 8, 2016 5:50 pm -

Trump supporter have decided that Hillary Clinton will steal the election.

As Lucas Cameron sees it, there’s no way this election can end well. “Trump will win the popular vote by a landslide, and then the Electoral College will give it to Clinton,” he told me as his wife, Nikki, drove us through the rolling mountains of northeast Tennessee. Their home-schooled 12-year-old son, Jonathon, sat in the back, sipping on a McDonald’s drink, placidly gazing out the window as his father laid out some fairly terrifying scenarios. “By spring, we’ll be in a proxy war with Russia and going at it hard with Iran,” Lucas said. Things don’t look much better if Trump, his preferred candidate, wins. “If Trump is elected, Black Lives Matters goes crazy,” he says. “And Obama won’t let him take office. He’ll declare martial law so he can stay another four years.” If he does, and Trump takes office, “a recession is guaranteed.”


…Preppers are actively discussing the election in their forums and on their YouTube channels where they show their followers how to get ready for the inevitable post-November meltdown. It’s a clearly pivotal moment in the country’s history, but there seems to be little agreement about just which way things will pivot. Kobler predicts an economic meltdown, regardless of who wins. Others, like Pastor Joe Fox, who runs Viking Preparedness out of the Ozarks, believes “we’ll keep doing what we do if Trump wins,” but if “that evil witch Hillary” wins, then “I’ll be preparing for nuclear war. Yep. The political powers that be, they want a war with Russia.” He advises his followers to “change gears a little bit and prepare for nuclear war instead of just general economic collapse.”




D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.