December 20, 2016 12:58 am -

David Friedman has made a number of questionable statements that have those who want Mideast peace concerned.

Left-leaning Jewish organizations are now using the comments in an effort to disqualify Friedman from serving as America’s representative to Israel, vowing to lobby Senators to block his nomination.

Friedman’s comments about J Street are not the only ones he made about a particular Jewish organization during the election.


In an interview with Jewish Insider on the eve of the election, Friedman referred to leaders of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as “morons” for condemning Trump’s campaign rhetoric and commercials that were perceived as dog-whistles to his anti-Semitic supporters.

“People talk about dog-whistles and about Trump with dog-whistles,” Friedman said in a wide-ranging interview. “As soon as Jonathan Greenblatt accused Trump of somehow being anti-Semitic, what did we hear next? We heard this clown from Minnesota, [Senator] Al Franken, who should go back to his career as a comedian. (Franken called Trump’s closing argument advertisement “something of a German shepherd whistle” and likened it to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)… Again, this is what happens when people take these insane arguments to their logical extension. They lose all credibility, and frankly, they sound like morons. That’s what these people are. They’re morons.”



D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.