Bannon planned ‘paranoid style’ anti-Muslim mockumentary
… because the scary Islamics are comin’ to take over – or so he wanted you to think in a “mockumentary” whose outline was uncovered by the Washington Post. “This Is Spinal Tap” it wasn’t:
The outline, written by Bannon when he was a Hollywood filmmaker, was entitled, “Destroying the Great Satan: The Rise of Islamic Facism [sic] in America,” and proposed a three-part series that would explore the threat posed by Muslims and their “enablers among us.”
Among the “enablers” listed by Bannon: The New York Times, NPR, universities, the “American Jewish Community,” the FBI, the State Department and the CIA.
What? No Bilderbergers? No Illuminati? But I digress…
“The road to the establishment of an Islamic Republic in the United States starts slowly and subtly with the loss of the will to win,” Bannon wrote in the outline. “The road to this unique hell on earth is paved with the best intentions from our major institutions.”
According to the outline, “Great Satan” also planned to explore “the rise of a global holy war” that would “attach and destroy western civilization.”
This is the second time this writer has invoked Richard Hofstadter’s term “paranoid style” in reference to Bannon this week. After half a century, it’s back, and infused with Bannon’s PR chops.
The film proposal includes as possible on-air experts two analysts who went on to advise Trump, although their names are misspelled in the document: Walid Phares, a Lebanese-born Maronite Christian who has warned that jihadists are posing as civil rights advocates, and Heritage Foundation security expert James Jay Carafano, who has defended Trump’s executive order.
Phares said he did not recall any discussions about the film. A Heritage spokesman said Carafano was not familiar with the project.
The outline offers an early glimpse of Bannon’s belief that the West and “supremacist” Islam are headed for a “fundamental clash of civilizations,” as the outline says. Bannon later expressed this view publicly as chief of Breitbart News, a site that often features articles about radical Islamists and has provided a platform for the alt-right, a small, far-right movement that seeks a whites-only state.