June 28, 2017 10:35 pm -

 UPDATE: Louise has published a follow-up post – on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump being caught on tape by friendly and hostile intel inside the Russian Embassy! It’s here.

Sounds like Priebus had a really bad day in Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia has recent SIGINT on Reince Priebus. According to our impeccable sources, Mr. Priebus decided to ‘run’ when in Saudi Arabia. He panicked when he learned on Air Force One what the SIGINT gained from surveillance of Kislyak at the RNC amounted to. I exclusively reported there was a RICO case against the entire GOP as a body; this is because they accepted, via Reince Priebus, washed Russian money, sources say. The way in which this was to be laundered was recorded at the RNC, sources say. Saudi Arabian intelligence picked up a voice recording of a panicked Mr. Priebus, fresh off the plane, claiming he would seek asylum, sources say. He was under a UFAP warrant, sources with links to the U.S. Marshals report, and was immediately brought back to America under compulsion by Air Marshals who had been placed on Air Force One, these sources say, less than 24 hours later.

That’s just one delicious tidbit from the most provocative blog post on Trump’s “Treasonweasel” crew since the Christopher Steele dossier was leaked.

Before you think this is posted by some conspiracy crank, there are two things you need to know about former UK pol Louise Mensch, editor of the Patribotics blog:

  1. She is incredibly well-wired into the US and UK intellignece communities.
  2. While you are cautioned to be skeptical about anonymously sourced stories from bloggers, Mensch’s batting average is pretty close to 1.000, with major news outlets picking up the stories usually a little over a month later.

The Priebus anecdote is in an update/summary on what Mensch is hearing about SIGINT (signals intelligence, i.e. intercepted electronic communications ranging from phone calls to email to text messaging to supposedly secure communications) on the entire Trump gang. Read and enjoy!

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.