August 6, 2017 11:47 am -

Our pals at Oppositon Report called our attention to a self-styled “patriot” calling for a “gruesome massacre” should former game-show host Donald Trump be impeached:

Former Navy SEAL Craig “Sawman” Sawyer is among the Deplorables who are so sad about potentially losing their beloved Führer that they jump straight to violent threats.

I’m hearing serious rumblings of a hostile, illegal coup against our democratically elected President by seditious, deep-state subversives funded by Soros & other globalists,” Sawyer posted on Facebook recently. “Very disturbing.

Patriots, this would be nothing less than an act of war against the American people. It would be the removal of our boldest defender & last possibility of maintaining our protective Constitution,” he continued. “Under the boot of globalists, life as we know it, would immediately decline to the model that suits the globalist interest – Marxist/Socialist/Communist. They get complete control, you get zero. Freedom, Gone! Liberty, Gone! This agenda is evil and simply cannot be allowed, at ANY cost.

By “at any cost” he does, of course, mean the lives of everyone who seems a little bit too liberal for him. …

According to Sawyer, we’re past the point of a civil war. It’s time for self-fashioned (or -ist, even) “patriots” like himself to hunt down those they view as subversives and “execute” them in the streets:

Under threat, ALL patriots, whether civilian, law enforcement, government, or military, have the duty to defend our Constitution against such enemies. Some speculate on “civil war”. I readily recognize a much more sobering reality: Anti-American subversives involved in ANY WAY in an unconstitutional coup against our President will be run down and executed immediately by the world’s most supreme warriors. There will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, no mercy, no sense of humor. Harsh examples will be made. My prediction is it will be a gruesome massacre. Why? Because one side in this conflict has 8 Trillion bullets & the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use.

Sawyer’s Facebook post has received over 1800 replies so far – and most of the last several hundred are, to put it mildly, critical. [UPDATE, 3pmEDT: Sawyer has been purging critical comments and blocking some Facebook users who have been bluntly critical of his eliminationist tantrum.]

But the best we have seen so far is a video  (WARNING: NSFW) from a Facebook user posting under the moniker Twist the Knife (he also has a web site you should bookmark:

Nicely said.

D.B. Hirsch
D.B. Hirsch is a political activist, news junkie, and retired ad copy writer and spin doctor. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.